Bipolar Bear

It's true. I do need a lot of meds to get through the day.

Because, @avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus , I denounced Dawes and with their god-like magical powers, they cursed me, with this human form - as scene here in this thread.

Because, @avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus , I denounced Dawes and with their god-like magical powers, they cursed me, with this human form - as scene here in this thread.

Sue/Darren and Axel/Weird-Ashley would be cute, wouldn't it? Maybe next season.
I've never thought about shipping this show before, but maybe we need to get Nathan Ford's Evil Twin in here, eh?

Yeah, that scene at the end was awesome. There was so much jam, the tub was literally overflowing with it. Not to mention that quick cut to the phonecall.

Same here.

Haley-Alex? I prefer Haley/Alex myself!

No, damn it! He's right! I am sick and tired of suffering while Dawes sits around in their golden, Laurel Canyon mansion!

Well of course you wouldn't! All you have to do is stick a pill in her jellybeans, and it'll turn her into such an Adderall achiever, so enamored she'll be begging to do the horizontal bop.

We're Nazis from the moon ♪
We sing a snazzy tune ♪
But there ain't no jews ♪
So we drink our booze ♪
And sing our snazzy tune

I always thought he was more of a werewolf:

I-I-I love little girls, they make me feel so good
I love… little girls, they make me feel so… bad
When they're around, they make me feel
Like I'm the only guy in town
I love… little girls, they make me feel so good

Considering some of his more recent films (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, the latter Pirates movies - though, to be fair, I kind of like those) it's hardly what I'd call a "loss".

I'm hoping TBS' interest in the show will make ABC think twice about potentially canceling it. Something along the lines of "If another network wants it, maybe it's something worth keeping."

Alternate title: Don't Trust the A— With the Mind of an H——

Announcer: When Dr. House is killed due to an exploding bottle of Vicodin, the world's top scientists do whatever they can to save him. When all else fails, they do the only thing they can and save House's brain… By placing it into the body of a donkey!

I kind of wish the entire episode had focused on Wilson and House's road-trip. That was a lot of fun. The patient of the week wasn't super interesting, but it was a lot better than last week, and it made good use of Chase. As you said, it's good he got closure. Overall, it was a fun episode, with some nice character

Yeah, I find Park hard not to like, Adams on the other hand… She's bland and annoying. It also doesn't hurt that I find Charlyne Yi to be pretty cute-

Chase's transformation is now complete! He has emerged from the cocoon that was Princeton-Plainsboro and has emerged as a beautiful, Australian House-Number-II. Fly away, little Sheila, fly away.

I like Supernatural (including current seasons) but I'm not sure even Kripke's involvement will be able to get me to watch this show. Eh, I'll probably watch the pilot, at least.