That's true. If this were on Family Guy, it would've been a hugely unfunny "meta" moment, but somehow American Dad! made it work. God, bless them!
That's true. If this were on Family Guy, it would've been a hugely unfunny "meta" moment, but somehow American Dad! made it work. God, bless them!
Yes, it felt like an average episode, with a few good jokes here and there, nothing truly special, but nothing very awful either.
Yeah, he's been doing pretty well over the past season, and I was worried they really killed him off, but since this episode is non-canon, all the better!
No doubt. Easily the best song of the night.
Yes, but she also said that the film comes to a screeching halt. So while she does think that the delivery was good, she doesn't like how the suspense was sacrificed for it.
Oh, Pinkie… Tsk, tsk, tsk…
I think what he means is, while it may not have been the best episode ever, it was consistently funny throughout, something this episode of Family Guy was not.
Wow, Canada managed to copy Family Guy, take the worst elements from it, turn them up to 11, take out any redeeming characteristics the former had, and then make it even uglier. I hope you're proud, Canada. I hope you're proud.
Truly, it was a great show - in the 20th century - but for us living in the year 2208, we can honestly say the show is not what it once was. The head-in-a-jar technology that has kept the voice actors alive for so long now feels like a punishment more than anything else. Everyone they have ever known is dead - since…
Don't worry Stingo, you're not alone. Plenty of people watch TV on Fridays. The difference is - and this is something you must learn - they DO NOT admit to it!
Hahaha. Foolish child, according to the president of The CW, Supernatural has a long, long life ahead of it. Why, we could see another five or six seasons out of the show at this rate!
Wow, I didn't realize Dora had such a good taste in television. However, the fact that she doesn't even know what happened last season makes me doubt that somewhat.
Well, considering how easily Castiel broke the spell, it probably was a weaker version of the one Lucifer did. True, he was GOD and all, so that obviously had something to do with it, but this is the only way I know how to rationalize it.
Well, it should be. In season 3 Ruby did say that Hell was "pretty close" to Hellraiser. Plus, it keeps in line with all we know about Dean's visit to Hell.
It was all right, nothing super, but nothing super awful either. Whitney on the other hand… But let's not talk about that.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that was the meaning of the joke, which I like a bit more than the idea of just naming the baby after them.
I loved that the moment I saw it, but… only now looking at it while the gif slowly loads do I notice the creepy-ass expression on Jeff's face for the first few frames.
I thought the song was fine, and it mostly worked on two levels, but I didn't find the episode as side-splittingly funny as some episodes have been. That's fine however, since this feels like a good start to be building our way to a great season. So in that regard, it worked wonders.
This was one of the few times I was actually happy to see the guy on a show. I mean, the Everybody Loves Raymond jokes were pretty obvious, but that didn't stop them from being funny.
Yeah, that's understandable. The plot did feel a bit stretched thin to me too.