Bipolar Bear

Eh… He'll probably come back in one or two more episodes, come to think of it. But I doubt we'll be seeing much of him anymore. Maybe they'll randomly run into him on one of their vacations, but wait! He's got a new girlfriend! And it makes Haley so jealous! Why, it practically writes itself!

Phil: "Who's excited for our annual bi-monthly vacation!"

Short answer yes, long answer no.

I know, last season, she was still more-or-less a baby (a toddler, but still), then suddenly, over a period of three months, she's a five year old child! (Yes, @avclub-06ab2ddd82ab07776d7866503140df18:disqus says four, but she looks five to me.)

Honestly, if they went in that direction, and showed just how TRULY awful people can be to each other… I think I'd like it a lot more. Sure it'd be a black comedy, and it's ratings would (mostly) quickly decline, but I'd enjoy it while it lasted.

Agreed. Season 1, I enjoyed, and I expected much from season 2 - much like how Community went all out - but instead it ended up more of the same. It feels like that with season 3 as well.

"Even a shit flinging monkey's shit will be flung onto gold every once in blue moon." - Benjamin Franklin

I respect Todd as much as much as any one man can respect another without it turning sexual… But somehow the thought of him as Fluttershy makes me die inside.


Please don't tell me that was originally posted on a My Little Pony video… It was, wasn't it?

But surely you mean he's a "loveable" asshole. Sure, he might be a massive dick, but he's THEIR massive dick, and he fills a hole in their lives. They'd be so empty without him, and…

My God, it's been so long since I've heard "COMMUNITY SUCKS"… It… brings a tear to my dull, cracked eyes.

And it was delicious.

Glad we got that cleared up. Now we can focus on the REAL problems in the world.

You forget that it WAS implied that E.T. and Star Wars are set in the same universe in Episode I.

In the shocking scene where we discover that Cookie is in fact… Yoda's father!

The Seinfeld reruns on HBO are pretty crass like that.

Do you know this from experience?

Whatever happened to Fluttershy?

Thank you! From all the commenters on this site, you'd think the man masturbated by rubbing his nose up an down while a cover version of a classic rock song played in the background.