Biff Tango

So, there's this guy named Rodney Mullen…

If I'm not mistaken, you see Cobra Commander in his silver mask at 1:02. I think this looks kind of ridiculous, in an entertaining way.

I want Loki to bring in Enchantress, Executioner and the real Absorbing Man… and the Impossible Man, and Purple Man… and Ringer, and Blue Streak, and… Dr. Bong! Yeahhhh…

I'll third this. It was fun and entertaining! It wasn't even long enough to get drawn to get tiring with the premise. B+ for the dude stupidly jumping into the wood chipper.

Rouge's Gallery
Damn them and their passion for all things red!

Yeah, I didn't even want to recount that one. It makes you wonder what we're NOT seeing… breast feeding.


Can you have fire on the moon? Check that out for me, poindexter.

I have seen all of Saxondale and it is pretty darned funny. And Matt Berry does the music and even pops up in a few episodes… if you're into that sort of thing.

I think the concept is that they are faster and stronger than regular humans… kind of like Captain America.

Dane Cook
I'm guessing Dane Cook is just too easy of a target, right?

This is interesting…
Because it seems that the author kind of rushed through writing this Scenic Route. Did Mike have a hot date waiting in the corner?

While it probably isn't the worst, I thought "Day of the Animals" was pretty weird. Leslie Nielsen got his comeuppance!

Ah, The Cape…
When I first heard a radio ad, I just assumed it was a crime procedural located at, or nearby, a cape. Regardless, I heard NBC following the ad, and I figured it would be quickly canceled.

Too much cocaine use?
More like the executive who greenlit this movie thought young Topher had cast that nice Daniel Fogelstien who was at his granddaughter's bat mitzvah.

I am pretty, but I meant "pretty sure", of course.

It's getting graded too hard because it makes fun of Rowan and Jay's liberal friends. The real strawman here is the excuse that it's getting a more critical look because it has established talent behind it. Is every new show graded this way? I'm pretty most new ones have some sort of established talent behind it.

I thought it was mentioned somewhere along the line that the Klingons stole a lot of their technology, presumably from conquering or clueless, highly-advanced races stumbling upon them.

What do you mean by "finally!"?

Poor people don't watch TV! Geeze, it's like I'm surrounded by ignorant, poor people!