Biff Tango

I just had a full-body dry have. Brrrrr…

I want…
Some of that Ted Danson money.

I don't think Karl is stupid at all. He says it like he sees it, and he's often right, even if his explanations are often obtuse. He's a less dickish version of Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm, really. They're both usually right, but none of us want to be right if society will react that way.

The first two are solid, but I also enjoyed the straight-to-video Hellraiser: Hellseeker. I thought the twist was pretty well done and it was more thriller/suspense than horror. And it has that dude that's in those insurance commercials who plays a satellite dish and a tree branch… or something. For your health!

Not to gripe… but I will. Thanks for offering!

I used to sell athletic shoes and at least once a week, someone would come in and say, "Wow, you're just like TED Bundy! Har! Har!"

I liked it.
It was a no frills, breezy action movie. No shoe-horning in a lot of unnecessary back story. No ridiculous run-time that stretches the concept to the breaking point. Just a fun movie with some redneck Predators!

Instant MST3K Fix
If you are just idling and need some MST3K to sweeten your day, there's a fine gent on shoutcast TV (through Winamp) that streams MST3K 24/7. I'll just turn it on as I'm reading something and chuckle along without even watching.