group therapy


Oops, *wasn't* enough writers' room, etc.

I'd like to know why Breaking Bad wasn't nominated for writing. The acting was incredible, but the entire season was uniformly strong in its storytelling.

I don't want to be accused of 30 Rock backlash, but I didn't enjoy this last season. They didn't bring enough funny, and the stunt guest stars were pretty weak, especially given that they were mostly comedians. The exception was Oprah, and she didn't even play herself. There was enough of the writers' room, or

I'd lose 30 Rock for its weak season, and add Better Off Ted.

Although stupid, it would be nice if they went back to the slogan "a good place to sit and eat" - much more gentle.

Triple fail! Go back to the well.

It looks a little like Miami Vice gone to seed….


Oops, should've read all the way down.

If this was half as good as Mr. Mom or Tootsie, I'd be game. However, Avon Man sounds like an addendum to the Wire. I have a feeling that none of this would ever happen, and I'm not in Hollywood's target demographic.

Dougery - Romeo + Juliet?

Deep Blue Sea is a tremendous film. The helicopter 'splosion, the arm-bitten-off doctor crashing into the window, LL Cool J - it's all rollicking fun.

New Order won't hit women down south. Which is why as Bad Lieutenant they can cut off their Air Supply. ::groans, exits::

At first I was thinking the same thing as Bender, but GH brings to mind a good parry. Dollhouse is a show tailor-made for continuity errors - it's just explainable as the assignment of the week. Maybe the dolls will start lounging around a bar, cracking wise, then eventually get around to whatever it is the devil…

That is a good one! Fun insight into Ray Bradbury and John Huston. Also a very colorful and rich picture of Ireland.

I think it's about time the Acedemy recognizes Cage's insane performances. How about a lifetime achievement award? Or is it still too early for that - there's so much he can still do.

I like his comment that he would've like to have been conscious for the rest of the show, as he's never seen a Broadway show before. He could always cough up the money for tickets, if he's going to be petulant. Or, the producers of the Tonys could've found less of a lunkhead.

My grandma tried to get a converter box coupon several months ago, but the government had run out. This transition has been poorly handled by the bureaucracy that has mandated it. I take exception at the shotgun blast "lazy." Older folks on fixed incomes have a hard time with this.

Oh, come on. You know Richie Alpert did bring the zing.