group therapy

Days and Nights of Molly Dodd

When I watch the DVD, I mainly fast forward to the Steff scenes and the Iona scenes. Then it's the BEST MOVE EVER.

What about Andrew McCarthy's sweet library skills in Pretty In Pink!?

Seriously! The Sperry repairman disguise - amazing.

Ah, the distinction of challenging contestants vs. frustrating the at-home audience. I really do appreciate your analysis, as you maintain a high-level view of the proceedings.

Is Jeopardy written with contestants of a certain age group in mind? It seems like it's skewing younger. I feel like when I was in my teens and twenties the contestants were mid-thirties to sixties, and the college tournaments were for younger contestants. I'm shocked that what I consider general cultural knowledge

I missed Frasier because I got hung up on "they never get better" piece of the quote. I was trying to think of a medical comedy. But, those clues were ridiculously easy.
Is Jeopardy dumbing down? The $2k DJ for Double Indemnity?! That is way too easy.

I would love to see Riggins resurrect his career with a prestige TV drama. He did great work on FNL, and he has the chops to do it again with quality material.

The clues have been weird recently. Regular play clues have seemed kinda easy, and FJ deceptively easy. I keep yelling at the TV "That's NOT a $1,000 clue!" Even DJ clues have seemed like softballs.

Oof, Lace. So awesome/horrible. The only one I remember (aside from Thorn Birds, which my mom wouldn't let me watch much of) was Fresno. I had a confused notion as a child that America was obsessed with raisins. Hey, IFC, just re-run Fresno! Burnett, Coleman, Garr, etc. - comedy royalty and ironic appreciation.

A Crash Worship album is fun to listen to when I'm at work, and remembering a live show.

Teletunes used to show the video for "Dead Eyes Open" - awesome.

There was a clothing store in Denver, across the street from Wax Trax, that always had "Every Day Is Halloween" playing. I can't hear that song without thinking of shopping for goth wear.

I have "Headhunter" on a workout playlist. Never stopped loving that song.

I was momentarily stuck on the "four words" business at the beginning of the clue, and couldn't get "one nation under God" out of my head. Too much pledging of allegiance in elementary school baked that into my brain. Ending the clue with "thirteen" was the dead giveaway, though.

Loved Xena, that's how I knew Ares right away. Those Roman vs. Greek god categories are tricky.

Yeah, that was weird. Hey Alex, look it up.

Agreed, that totally cracked me up.

For the most part, I think they do. I'm not expert enough to say for sure, but they have "Fly Me to the Moon" as Jennifer's doorbell tone (which was a rights issue), and there is a good amount of recognizable rock music throughout. Oh, and Pink Floyd's "Dogs" is in Turkeys Away.

Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge!