
I know their sound certainly isn't edgy, but I absolutely loved Teenage Fanclub's Shadows. Glad Superchunk made the list, 1991 me would be enthused!


She has a very particular set of skills; skills she acquired over a very long career. Skills that make her a nightmare for people like you. Unless you don't let her finish, that is

I always think of a disorganized rabble of drunken morons on horses when I hear the word 'posse' being bandied about, and although this group is clearly different (I assume they'll have cars), I'm surprised that Ferrigno and Seagal would risk tarnishing their reputations by joining this controversial group.

You wouldn't like Lou Ferrigno when he's angry
Seriously, Ferrigno was the best.. I miss the days when The Hulk was just an angry, large green man

It has some fresh new dinner ideas that won't break the bank!

The rest of his duties will be inherited by…..
…. ME!

Glad to see you're enjoying your smugness.

More like SUCK-ubus, right? Right guys?

I'm Mr.Peanut. Dot com.

I'm still in love with a lot of the music from the '90s, although my tastes tend to run more in the GBV / Chavez / Pavement / Superchunk sort of direction. Still, this series has been a great read thus far, and it's making me wax nostalgic over a lot of bands that I identified with as a youngun just getting into music.

Winona's excellent cleavage aside, this 'sea change' at Spike TV better not signal the end of their time-honoured tradition of endless Star Trek: TNG re-runs!

Frank Darabont's original draft wasn't as terrific, although his drawings were really nifty!

You're needed in another news item's comment section, Jackoff.

May Jean Reno attempt to decapitate you with a helicopter while you're locked in combat with Jon Voight


I for one enjoy any and all Sarah Jessica Parker / Horse related commentary! High Five!

Someone get him his fucking golf shoes!!

It may seem daunting, and to be fair, I typically PVR the episodes and watch them in rapid succession so it's easier to remember most of the plot points. But it's certainly worthwhile in my opinion; Gabriel Byrne and each of the patients really make it work.

Check it out, for sure. I got absolutely hooked watching Season 2 last year, pretty good TV.