

Good point whataworkout, like The Sixth Sense, it's better when there's an actual element of surprise involved.

Out of curiosity
Has Nicole Krauss rendered an opinion on Shyamalan? If not, please take this as a request. Nay, a demand!

In a surprise twist, may you perish while locked in an industrial freezer while grappling with Gonorrhea-SARS

What better place for Nabin to advertise for "My Year of Flops"?

Do you get the headaches too?

"I heard some guy got killed in New York City and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you, Steve?"

Robitussin and crack? Wait until Dr.Mom hears about this..

I remember the story he wrote…
About cutting off his ear


Tell me.. what's your favorite song of his?

Over time, Sean Patrick Flanery's face will eventually beat out Stallone's for disgusting stretchiness.

@ TWMTGTYS I just weep openly all the time

Even a seasoned survivor of such hardships would agree. Certainly a classy move by the band.

I'm opening up a vein, this is seriously fucked.

This is terrible news..
.. for the heavyset woman in Accounts Payable at my office.. what will adorn her cubicle walls now?

Jack Black may scoff at playing Belushi,
But he'd make a perfect Lardy McChuckles.

"That's why I love coming up here.. NATURE"

I haven't seen it in a great many years,
But I didn't mind the Alec Baldwin incarnation of The Shadow.

I love the sarcasm which permeates not only the JT section, but the entire article. Seriously, as I look at the tracklists on each of these compilations, it becomes increasingly clear that so much of this music is utterly disposable. Nabin's right to be cynical and entertainingly sarcastic about this series of shitty