
More like Ciaran's Hands, amirite? Folks,

That case of pinkeye he caught in Sochi must have been worse than he let on.

One of those regrettable mid-teens CD purchases, for me and doubtless many others.
But hey, I bought one of Limp Bizkit's albums in that same space of time, so at least it wasn't my worst pickup.

You're tearing me apart, scrappybilly

Brian Cox would make a great present-day Howland Reed!

*Reads review, returns to the main page to register Patient_Mannequin username*

I was coming here to post this very comment. Cheers to you, and jeers to my 28.8k baud modem!

1. 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth
2. 2 1/2 oz Bourbon
3. 1 dash Agnostura bitters
4. 1 maraschino cherry
5. 1 Twist of Orange Peel
6. Combine the vermouth, bourbon, and bitters w/ ice in a mixing glass
7.Stir gently, don't bruise the spirits and cloud the drink
8.Place the cherry in a chilled cocktail glass and strain the

The Boogeyman from The Real Ghostbusters cartoons gave me a lot of sleepless nights as a kid. Still a creepy bastard. http://vignette2.wikia.noco…

Imagine how many more trespassers they'd be dealing with if The Conjuring had made the AV Club's Top 25 Horror list.

"We won’t reveal who it is, but we’ll say that she yells really loud and is fond of posing behind falling banners."

Now that the GBV reunion is over, my fingers are crossed for the return of Doug and Bob collaborations.

Class Clown Spots a UFO is the standout for me. Some of the best power pop of Bob's career, and startling acoustic ballads. Only letdown on that record is the fact that Toby's tracks are uncharacteristically weaker than normal.

Wait a second, I don't see anything in here about him needing an editor! It's a new day, indeed. Glad to see it.

I sure hope so. That Grandma line "Would you mind getting inside the oven to clean it?", delivered deadpan like that, made me snort-laugh here at my desk.

Not after the famous "Birthplace of Edgar Allen Poe" truck disaster.

*Plane crashes*
*Investigators recover the black box*
*It's just 15 minutes of R2-D2 going "WHOOOOOOOOAWWW"*

I don't know how I'm going to Live Through This.

Hai Doggy!