
If memory serves, that's happened on every episode of Celebrity Jeopardy

And all those eggs at breakfast gave it a lovely sheen

That's because you tell all the girls you're hung like THIS!
*Mimics crucifixion pose*
*Sees self out*

He's way undervaluing these posters. As a fellow drummer, I'd be adding a few zeros to those prices! - Kevin Fennell

"Sorry I ruined your Black Panther party."

Worth delving into, for sure. He also recorded & produced both of Women's albums if you enjoyed those guys.

At least we know the showrunners will survive the next two seasons!

"hurrr hurr hurr …mrawwwww… huh huh HA HAWR HAH HRAWHHR"

This grade is as confusing to me as the C+ for the new Guided by Voices record.

Robert Pollard - Subspace Biographies and/or Psychic Pilot Clocks Out

*Raises Miller Lite in a Toast*

Maybe they'll all go Ernest Borgnine and just keep kickin' well into their 90s. We can hope!

Bob Pollard. That one is gonna be so tough. I hope he's got a lot more years, but damn if his music (ALL of it) hasn't meant the world to me.

In your FACE, Frank Stallone!

"Heyyy relax, guy!"

It's not that bad, c'mon Satan, this is a decent sequel if an example of diminishing returns. Speaking of sequels, I'd love to hear your take on Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. As the Prince of Darkness, do you feel like you got a fair shake in that flick? Does Death really suck at Battleship?

Now if only @Horsefellow would make his triumphant return..

I doubt it was his agenda, for sure. He probably just wanted to avoid a verbal confrontation. But regardless, this stuff was meant to stay between the two of them, not for all of us to see. That's the sleazebag portion of it.

I 100% agree with Bob on this. Kevin refuses to answer a voicemail, which forces Bob to reply via email, which he then posts to Facebook? Sleazebag move. He may sound harsh in his treatment of Kevin, but these guys have a TON of history going back eons (Read Hunting Accidents if you haven't already for perspective on

Tell me you threw this in while you were winding up your interview..
 "One thing, Sam. Do you have to use so many cuss words?"