The Gooch


The laugh track was beyond disturbing and completely, distractingly noticeable.

Good call. That's exactly what the point of the second half of last week's episode was.

It's the huuuuuuuuuuuman network.

Seriously — it must be really awful and emasculating to have a successful wife who just so happens to be an outstanding chef. How does that guy live with himself?

@Perspective Reminder

A+ album. Easily.

I'm gonna go ahead and assume that Hot Sluts is safe for work.

Programming Trouble?
Anyone else in Brooklyn (or elsewhere) get repeats of the Christmas themed episodes? I have IO Cable (Cablevision) and they had the updated listings, but aired repeats.

Will Forte doesn't come anywhere close to being funny. He plays every character poorly and with the same, unfunny Forte-ish intonation.

Great Songs from Supreme Clientele:

I could not agree more, FidelAstro. Deck always kills it on the group cuts. He has an amazing verse on Black Mozart, and let us not forget Triumph. That's one of the most legendary verses in hip hop history.

You think wrong.

Not to be a dick, but I think it's pretty obvious where his confidence comes from: she's not a looker.

There were 3 questions in my post, you responded with "1" and "2," leaving plenty of confusion as to which questions you were answering. Who's on angel dust (no caps) now?

That was some scene, huh?

Am I just thick…

Mothafuckas look like some nasty backup dancers to En Vogue.

Fact: Juno was good.

Kanye West's non 808s albums are all classics. I'll stop liking him when he does something actually shitty like hit a woman.