The Gooch

Do I really have to say that Wendy's has the best fast food chicken products? KFC is delicious, no doubt, but Wendy's FTW.

If you think their album covers look like shit, check out this link. Someone re-imagined them to look more like jazz standard album covers. I like the results.

Reasonable Doubt, Blueprint, and The Black Album.

Me and Emily Watson GOT. IT. ON.

Don't forget 3 paragraphs summing up the history of the band before the writer mentions the album being reviewed.

Now who will the world turn to when they want a game-used Birmingham Booty Call phone?

Am I the only one who liked Juno and thought a large amount of the quirkiness was not so much the writer trying to be hilarious, but rather a representation of immature kids who don't quite know who they are yet trying to project an air of cool, sophisticated, hipness (that terrible scene with Dwight aside)?

Did I miss something? When did smoking pot become something to be ashamed of?

If you like contemporary art, you owe it to yourself to read The Painted Word. That is all.

Who says a jazz band can't play dance music?
Who says a rock band can't play funky?

Who says a jazz band can't play dance music?
Who says a rock band can't play funky?

I dare you to listen to White Christmas and not think of Home Alone.

This just goes to show, life really is a struggle, and then you pass away. That's why we turn to recreational drugs.

Young at Heart
Like a lot of other people, I basically never cry at movies. But for some reason, this one just killed me.

What else
are you supposed to do on a love seat but wear robes and sip wine while cuddling? You AV Club writers need to get out more.

Eh, I've seen better.

@Mr. Belvedere

This is hardly the time for a frank discussion on the dangers of herpes.

Have you seen the ghost of John?

I experienced my first stoma fucking at an amusement park! What are the odds!