Unregistered Peon

The level of cheating is very similar to early 20th cent. boxing.  
Also, there were documented cases of refs helping to throw NBA playoff games in the early 2000s.  They only came to light 5 or so years later.  It still happens.

I'd say he is the second coming of Dawes

The eyes that you see through the mask seem to match up with Yakums.  So, it is definitely a possibility.

@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus - I don't have any issue following McCarthy's writing.  I would say thta "difficult and obtuse" has often held up as the shining standard of literature since the Modernists took over, however, something being difficult and obtuse does not mean it cannot be deep. I have

You are by far the exception not the rule. That being said i got most of my YA reading over with by the time I was 11 or 12.

I would say that many people are searching for escapist fiction and finding it in YA.  I THG significantly better then The Da Vinci Code.  Honestly, I don't care what people read.  People get intellectual stimulation from different places.  The people who are reading YA right now are the same people who were reading

I was ranting about HDM in another article the other day.  The first book is brilliant and then the sequels drop off at Matrix level speeds.

@avclub-9d2a55e022c81f34efea658e08a1f8f3:disqus i think the next two books in the series are actually better then Sabrial.  I recently re-read them for old time sake and found the plotting to be very slow for Sabrial.  I would say they are above average examples of the genre but there is nothing about them that would

@avclub-83bbcd6dcec89f078faeaa5dea583a8f:disqus The Golden Compass was the only good book in that series.  The middle book was decent.  And the last book was like C.S. Lewis's "The Last Battle."- you only like it if it fits with your beliefs.  By the end it was pretentious and didactic.  

Ya- that was actually very informative.

That was my first thought as well.  I HATE that song. It is an anti-protest song.  I'm young and things are fucked up but… I'm sure it will work itself all out.  If I was going to write a song to define every horrible stereotype about millennials, I would still not do as thorough of a job as Waiting on the World to

My Faulkner professor tested us on the spelling of that.  Hardest part of the test.  I like it though.  Almost nobody would get the reference.  (Or remember how to spell it well enough to google it.)

This seems much more likely then I would like to admit (especially with Nickelback).

@avclub-ab34d8d7f2771066c8724c8c4d440f60:disqus I wouldn't rank him above Melville (Not even close).  Mary Shelly however, is one of the worst writers in the Cannon.  The cliff notes on Frankenstein are 20x better written than the book.

Ya- I googled America and England- I hate myself and my country. That is all.

And they endorsed Obama in the last election.  Also, while they have their bias, they tend to be much more objective then almost any american news source.

I just finished this book.  In my opinion, it was superior to the first.  It takes the entire fantasy genre Macguffins and all, and works with.  It knows that and works with it.  I think it was blew past The Magicians.  The magicians felt superficial.  I liked it when I was re-reading it but it still lacked depth of

This is exactly what I was going to post, caveat and all, carry on.

really? The only thing I found hard was the last riddle and doing the avoid things levels on a laptop.  If anything, I got bored with how simple the formula was for beating each level.

I never got Pollock until I saw one in person.  When I did, I was blown away.  The photographs and slides didn't even get close to communicating him.