Unregistered Peon

Savage Detectives is one of the most hyped things I have seen all year. If I can just find it used I'll actually read it.

My mom just used them to bribe me as a kid.  18hr road trip? 30$ worth of dollar store toys to be doled out whenever we started looking bored.

Sing-a-ma-jigs are fucking scary.  They will rape your soul with their sphincter mouths.  Whats that you say?  That sphincters don't do the raping?  Then you have never seen this.

I would love a man who was thursday movie.  Also- the speech isn't thaaat bad.  You could change the phrasing without changing the meaning.

I enjoyed the first one.  It was an enjoyable, mindless way to kill some time. It was one of those movies that appealed to a wide range of people, but didn't kill all my brain cells.  I was hoping this would follow in the same vein.  Oh well.

It really is.  I peep into normal undercover occasionally and always leave disappointed.  But, I have been watching every single holiday undercover.

I know- I used to get excited when I saw his screen name pop up.  Now I get depressed.

Did anybody actually listen to The Rockturals.  They are hilariously bad.  Combine all of the worst parts of Adult contemporary and rap and you get The Rockturnals.  They have this easygoing i'm on a beach vibe then straight to horrible raping RAP, then back to easy going chorus RAP.  It is legitimately amazing they

Also- LASERS in best rap album? Seriously- I am a huge lupe fan but that album was one of the most forgettable and boring albums I have ever heard.

I just want to make it clear- I witnessed this. They can take my home, my girlfriend and my dog (sorry my dawesg).  But they can never take my memory of this post. (Only Alzheimer's can do that)

MY girlfriend has that album and broke it out about 2 or 3 weeks ago.  I cried.

My family always play both of those with my grandmother.

I got to say- that game sucked.  A five year old could make a better platformer than that.

This movie scared the ever living shit out of me when I saw it at a sleepover in 2nd or 3rd grade.

Egg whites are actually a classic cocktail ingredient.  For reference, search for any drink involving the word "flip"

That is really only an AV Club thing.  I have yet to see it in the real world. (By people who listen to things besides pop music)

And neither are U2

Dispatch is by far the best of that group. It is not even close.