It was an inside job. Wake up sheeple. All the Israelis stayed home the day of the rape joke.
It was an inside job. Wake up sheeple. All the Israelis stayed home the day of the rape joke.
They mentioned (half jokingly) that they did this whole "Worst of 2012" month just to do The Raven.
They mentioned (half jokingly) that they did this whole "Worst of 2012" month just to do The Raven.
The problem with thinking that heckling is good for comedy is that only the best heckling confrontations end up getting publicized.. The rest are just awkward and sad for everyone involved.
He regularly hangs out with Carson Daly. They have a pretty good time, nothing crazy.
The yellow umbrella conceals a stake. Ted was a vampire the whole time.
Under the Banner of Heaven is an incredible, incredible book. I'm staying away from Where Men Win Glory, though. Pat Tillman's story is just too infuriating for me right now.
I've been meaning to read that. I've read a bit about Roosevelt and his interactions with Robert Moses in Caro's The Power Broker, and I've really come to admire Roosevelt. Obviously, he comes off a hell of a lot better than Moses.
My parents told my brother when he was 7. He wrote them a strongly worded letter in response.
Doctorow is definitely a polarizing writer. He is way into cyberpunk and anarchistm and activism and steampunk and the counterculture and on and on. But I really do like his stuff, even if I don't entirely buy into his worldview. I think his young adult stuff is good too. He does a great job writing from the…
Did you buy cheese? If so, then yes.
Starship Troopers is awful.
I haven't heard the radio commercials yet. The TV ones feature characters from the show literally explaining exactly what the show is about. Another one has them drenching each other with wine. Another apologizes for the name. They are relentless and actually discourage me from watching this, against my better…
This is the malaise. The absolute worst time of the year. To me, this is the official end of Christmas.
I'm trying to make more stuff and be more creative. I'm making a chess board right now, and it's actually going pretty well. I'm also playing around with electronics a bit (an Arduino beginner kit), learning to program, and starting to make 3d models again with Google Sketchup.
TBS has got to stop with the terrible Cougar Town commercials. And please stop apologizing for the name. Please.
Katherine Heigl's mom in Knocked up is the only one to really suggest an abortion. And Apatow writes her as a fucking monster ("This happened to your sister. But she got it taken care of , and now she has a real baby.). The only other person to entertain the idea was Jonah Hill's character, and they make him into a…
Katherine Heigl's mom in Knocked up is the only one to really suggest an abortion. And Apatow writes her as a fucking monster ("This happened to your sister. But she got it taken care of , and now she has a real baby.). The only other person to entertain the idea was Jonah Hill's character, and they make him into a…
I started and finished Chris Anderson's Makers:The New Industrial Revolution. A quick, enjoyable read about small scale manufacturing and the rise of high tech, open source cottage industries. It was perhaps a bit too idealistic. I don't think Anderson realistically accounts for the faults of open source hardware, or…
In an effort to appeal to younger viewers Dr Reed Richards will be played by a 6 year old ginger boy in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot.