Clancys Personal Researcher

Hiya Bergo. It's me, @jsdtweets/Lunch-Butt from Twitter. I've got the commenting bug again too. At least on this thread. Buzz's obit brought me back, I think.

I am! I really dig Wolf Hall and had no idea about this book. Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'm on a French Revolution kick right now and this will do nicely.

I'm reading Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution . It's not bad, but it seems the sources aren't really deep enough to justify some of the speculation about his aims/goals/personality.

I don't know what it is, but just thinking about Gene's character design makes me laugh. It's so expressive!


So far this month I have read Trigger Warning, which I bounced back and forth on in terms of story quality. The Thing About Cassandra and the final story that takes place in the American Gods universe were by far my favorite. There are multiple people buried alive in this collection! Gaiman, you rascal.

The guy who donated to Origin Story and got to appear on the episode is really game for anything. He does a great job!

Oui Man is my favorite French actor/member of the Jackass crew.

And also a huge fan of Base

Is this an episode of Sick Burns?

Today's Comedy Bang Bang was such a fun, joyful episode of four people with great chemistry. The Vicar of Yanks and Lord ALW always bring it. Wengert's character was thin and hilarious.

Almost finished with The Martian and I'm enjoying it! The writing and
dialogue aren't so hot, but the story and plotting is excellent. You can
definitely tell it was once self-published, but that doesn't really
matter. It actually reminds me of World War Z quite a bit. Highly

Almost finished with The Martian and I'm enjoying it! The writing and dialogue aren't so hot, but the story and plotting is excellent. You can definitely tell it was once self-published, but that doesn't really matter. It actually reminds me of World War Z quite a bit. Highly recommended.

"Hello, the Edge, um, would ya mind comin' to my dressin room for a minute."

"Yea he mailed it."

I was, for some reason, surprised when I found out how good they were.

This hits really hard. Really fucking hard.

I think they were being genuinely honest about having literally nothing to talk about. Scott did sound a bit off his game, and so did Scott. UTU2TM works way better in the studio, like most podcasts.

What hedge fund do you work at and why is Boondock Saints your favorite movie?

I'm gonna put this…up my butt.