Al Swerengen

More like the holodank.


No thanks. It looks like the cocksuckers took Alien Nation, subtracted Mandy Patinkin, added the Fresh Prince and came up with a ridiculous millennial turd stew.

It really satisfies.

Those cocksuckers took their time, but when they got there, it was worth it. Well done, FX.

My all time favorite line from Cy:

Gonna miss that cocksucker.

I heard he killed a drifter to get an erection.

The best Frings ever.

That cocksucker was one bad-ass Libyan.

Same thing, different name. In the first year, there is no State of the Union. Instead, there is this joint address. Those fake news cocksuckers at CNN ran a story on it today. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/…


You do not want to be a dirt-worshipping heathen from this fucking point forward!

Anthony Hopkins is at the top of his game. Second best HBO performance of all time.

Never open your mouth that wide unless you're getting paid for it.

I can't believe the Hound cocksucker goes off to reconnoiter the rim right when all the shit goes down!

These Game of Thrones cocksuckers need to relax. Dan! Open a can of peaches.

I know the feeling. I just found out that House and that British cocksucker on Twitter did a show together.

Time to open a can of peaches!