Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusk

The Prestige doesn't really have a twist.


Is that Klin

So the plot device is amnesia. Cool.

Yeah, well, you know who was also popular and entertaining and stuck to his guns.

Do you mean coke *glug* *glug.*

@Hey Everybody

State the Obvious
Twilight is shit.


Hitchens had a reasonable position on the war on Iraq. He wanted to stop the genocide of the Kurdish people whose cause he regularly championed. Unfortunately what followed was a fierce sectarian war which arguably caused as much pain as Saddams mass murdering ways, but the bright spark is that Iraq looks much better

The Hobbit will have a lot more focus to it as I don't remember there being many tangent stories alongside Bilbo's quest. Hopefully it will be a more taught and tense film through Bilbo's eyes and won't waste as much time on those around him.

Maybe. There are a lot of great scenes in the films. I just felt they could of took it down a more grisly, haunted route. The most effective parts of the films for me were when the wraiths were hunting Hobbits in the FOTR, so maybe Jackson can put that type of atmosphere and fear into the new Hobbit films. Also, Smaug

Rewatching LOTR again recently, I noticed a lot of things that really bugged me. A lot of it was very hammy, especially ROTK. Maybe I am being too nitpicky but some of the speeches and one-liners made me cringe a bit.

I'd also like to see Michael Bay and spearhead in a news story. Also, harpoon and tragic whaling accident.

It's like going to the opticians to buy a pair of contact lenses, but on the way you slip in a puddle and land face first into the concrete. The glasses you were wearing are crushed and you then begin to wander, blinded to all around you. You stumble into the middle of the road only to be mowed down by a bus taking a

Rich people have feelings? I suppose I'll reconsider sending Michael Bay my homemade shit-sandwich.


You mean shit, right?
"Smooth Criminal and Thriller video- based minigames within this game would be shit."

Watching this recently, it still was funny to me. Probably just the imagery of the Popemobile being chased by cops tapping into my immature psyche. Also I had a commentary playing out in my head with Hitchens and Dawkins chasing him down for the crime of enabling hundreds of child rapists. Although, that wasn't

You should kill them. Or throw acid in their eyes so they can't read this shit.