
Huh, he's right about of two out of three of these things. Sound like I would enjoy his show.

From what I understand the witness thing was a ~10-year "phase," during which he did disown a lot of his earlier work with the sexuality and cursing and whatnot. He made a few relatively bland records with thinly-veiled Witness imagery in them. But, it apparently didn't take, and in more recent years he was

Of course I can actually think of an example where I pissed off a bunch of people saying something that I (still) think is innocuous, and let me tell you what actually happened.

"Relative to 20 years ago, do you think you're getting along better or worse with people who think differently than you? "

"There is only Good People who say the Right Things (which is always, always you), and Bad People who say Wrong Things."

"fact that I have to type this qualifier suggests where things are going on this country."

I do miss Regis, though! He's pretty much irreplaceable! Gelman, what happened to Regis! Where is he now!

Yeah, gaming groups are great because it doesn't have to be a monoculture at all, just people who are interested in playing games. It's a good hub for smart people to socialize.

The Pistol Shrimps
draw flagrant fouls
a thousand girls
a thousand scowls

I wonder if it is the voice of Joanna Bolme, added as they put the album together after his death. It is a nice touch.

Yeah, the way all of the geeks absolutely *worshipped* comedy rang very true.

"Check out the panhandlers at 112th and Broadway."

"That being said, if you're going to write a song using a I, IV, V7 pattern and then claim that it sounds similar to a song written years later…"

By now it is well understood that it's not the moms' fault that they are horny and violent. It's a society that refuses to provide them with the lovin' they need. Anyone who is not having sex with at least one mom on a weekly basis is part of the problem.

Is there still an actual Independent party in NY? I believe I accidentally registered for that when I first moved here, switched when I realized my mistake.

Plus he just recently pulled the "are you sure he's really a Mormon?" stunt with Romney. That can't have played well.

Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.

Except they would get hours and hours of footage of people running up and yelling "It's Pee-Wee Herman!" They'd have to ignore all of that, and figure out a way to explain why people are treating him like he's "real."

Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.

It's funny, I kind of just got into reading the gawker empire in the last few years (in time to see the old system and watch them replace it), and every time I hear somebody whining about their star I am just…not sympathetic.