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    He was actually Stan Freberg's kid.

    Catalina Caper is a classic Frank movie pick. He always like doing things a little more oddball.

    Great movie or greatest movie?

    I like the B story. I hate hate hate the Frank Grimes thing. This, to me, is where the show truly started going off the rails.

    No love for Sinbad?

    AND a small role for Roger Sterling!

    Marge, I'm not going to lie to you.
    [long pause]
    [walks away whistling]

    I saw Colin Hay solo not long after that. He was very angry about the decision, which he saw as total bullshit, and quite upset about the death of his friend and bandmate.

    Timbuk3's album Edge of Allegiance is quite good.

    He's a pretty funny guy on CT. It's a little unfair to beat up on him for hist MST3K days - they were still feeling out how to do the show, and he was 17 years old.

    He had worked at TGI Friday's, actually.

    "Seen and Not Seen" is a great song.

    Ten years, man! Ten!

    Yeah. I am a big MST3K fan, and I wish Kevin/Bill/Mike the best, but that was just not that great. I haven't been impressed with any of the Rifftrax stuff I've seen. I've only seen a couple of CTs, but they seem to have the tone down better.

    I went to high school with Steve Byrne.

    The original inspiration for the Genesis tub is Theodore Sturgeon's 1941 story, "Microcosmic God."

    Well, Michelle Meyrink, *could* use the work….

    Philadelphia Chickens is pretty great, actually.

    Yeah, but it seems to be all Scalzi writes. I'm not expecting Vance or Delany, but Scalzi is a smart guy, and it's unfortunate that he doesn't seem willing to stretch himself.

    Not according to the actual scripts (Monty Python: All the Words).