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    He enjoys tea.

    You fucked Kevin.

    This makes zero sense. It's false to state, "they make the unadulterated originals unavailable from there on in."

    Wait, did we never hear about My Two Dads?

    Barb Wire - the movie the studio decided to promote over MST3K: the Movie.

    Now if they just involve Trudy Beekman.

    The headquarters of the Strategic Air Command was at Offutt just outside of Omaha. It absolutely would have been on the first strike list.

    Polyester Bride was the big single off of whitechocolatespaceegg.

    No love for "Conversation Overheard Between Two Bouncers"?

    What, no mention of, "Where, O Werewolf"?

    Christopher Plummer is gold in this.

    Wallace Shawn joke is what closes the sale.

    This is the best movie.

    Wellfleet is on the Cape. Wellesley is nowhere near the sea.


    Please, he's Charles De Mar.

    No love for Charles Rocket as David's brother? To this very day, I have the jingle for "Rich & Thin" stuck in my head. ("I used to fat, I used to be poor, now I'm rich and thin, drive a Porsche 944.")

    If they didn't make enough money to cover their costs, they were failures.

    Man, we watched this every day my senior year of college. VICTOR FOREVER.

    I'm glad to see MIB get work.