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    I make you a hamburger better than McDonald's.

    If you like Pavane, Kingsley Amis's The Alteration is pretty good, too.

    Mmmm, I felt like Charles Miner was when the show really started to go downhill. I appreciated the idea of Jim's smug self-amusement finally getting punctured, but Miner just felt like he didn't come from the same universe as the show.

    YES! That story has stuck with me to this day.

    Wait…"Kozy Kampus Kave." Maybe not the best initials?

    It's MUSLIN body rolls. Muslin is a loosely woven cotton fabric.

    What, no love for "It's Your Move"?

    That's a 39 1/2 pole.

    Hey, Happy Kyne (Frank De Vol) wrote the theme songs for My Three Sons and The Brady Bunch!

    Women love his BEIGE sports car!

    I own them all on fan-made DVDs, and I replace those with the official DVDs when they come out.

    His podcasts are pretty great. And he's a master troll on Twitter.

    Olbermann's opening with "As I was saying…" is a reference to Jack Paar's return to the Tonight Show after battling with the censors.

    A true Scot would having something fried AND oatmeal.

    Always weird to see Metafilter people turn up somewhere else.

    I believe it's WENUS:  Weekly Estimated Net Usage Systems.

    Of course, Idle explicitly played Frost on the SNL sketch "The Nixon Interviews."

    We could send Bob Saget to meet Charlemagne!

    Matt, it's time for you decide if you're gonna be one of my team players or not.

    Has anyone gotten Robert Evans's take?