Blarg a Garg

And once more, society is shown to be worthy of survival.

If one has no heart…
…one cannot summon Captain Planet.

I love cult films, of pretty much any stripe.

It's actually a reimagining of The Great Escape. Except with fairies.

I've always seen Night of the Hunter as more of an early cult film. It's certainly not for everyone, but then again, that applies to most classics.

So, Lobsters, you're saying that Dano shouldn't have been booked?

It's like an A-line, but more cultish. Alternately, a beeline is what your wife suspects you are when you offer excuses for being late.

Screw Troll 2
I'm a makin' a beeline for The Night Of The Hunter.

They should just make a Visionaries movie.

…they're on it like Sonic?

Why Does Garfield Hate
Star Wars?

Another vote for the live anthology. This is the version of Century City that works.

It's common knowledge that the anthropormophization process redistributes one's genitals to the upper chest and armpits.

Nic Cage as Benson would turn this into surreal AWESOMENESS of the highest order.

Maybe it was Dave Osbourne instead?

I like ground nut. Keeps them in they place.

Black Man's Wang

@Bender: Then we would be living in an alternate future where you're dating Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

How about…
…we all just mail in Torso DVDs?

The Big (Sorority) Sleep(over)