Blarg a Garg

I quite like Brisco County, Jr. It didn't always hit, but the writers had a lot of fun with the story and setting. It had a great weird west vibe to it, and Brisco was a welcome departure from the usual western hero.

Last Laugh
No computer can beat man at IMPOTENT Potables.

Scanner Cop would win. After all, he already survived The Showdown.

Desoite loving Count Chockula,
Still crazy as a Coppola.

But honor won't bring their f**king honey back.

I think the main point of schizm here is the distinction between pen & paper RPGs and video game RPGs. You'll never get the P&P version - you can't code that much freedom (and something that directionless wouldn't appeal to mass audiences).

Heck, The Invention of Lying didn't finish him. Based on that alone, I'd say he's been given a lifetime free pass.

I like big beards and I cannot…finish this lame, lame attempt at referential humour.

I can't wait for the "curveball" questions
e.g., "Which celeb is most likely to bow out gracefully from the public spotlight, rather than constantly cling to emerging trends?".

"I love you (lead poisoning)."
"I know."

If you're drinking mead, you deserve no novelty glass. To the disposable plastic cup with thee!

What the Crap?
Highballs in a Jabba the Hutt class? Pfffft.

Frankly, pretty much any game that has levels (and especially concomitant stat increases) is billed as a SOMETHING/RPG game (or fusion).

Only since a man wielding an axe asked me that very same question.

Hey, 3-4 years later, he put Neill in In the Mouth of Madness. That redeems this (since it wasn't utter shit). That came with Ghosts of Mars.

Spoiler Alert!
The time-travelling island sends you to hell for defying the laws of physics.

I'd argue that the problem with AiWL is that there isn't ONE problem, but hey…

I didn't get that at all. Sean's mentioning that while one can make a good and original film out of an established property, you're still using the established property as a marketing tool for the studio.

Is the talking pie very sick?

If I had to choose
It would be a toss-up between Can't Hardly Wait and Chuck & Cindy: the Wedding. Both came to mind before I read this.