Blarg a Garg

Real just got shitty.

But RJ was not kinda awesome. It was HELLA awesome.


I'm just hoping Cornfed makes a guest appearance.

Didn't that Billy Bob Thornton guy (from The Boxcars) also do a few movies?

Poor Ankle Biters - if they'd called it Ankle Biterz, it would have been a moneymaker.

Maybe if he'd convinced people to stop Twittering until they stopped this shameful practice.


How about one starring unemployed skaters?
The Off-Ice?

I miss Bruce Moose and the rest of the Get-Along Gang.

But can we take them on the run?

It's the theme song to the grittier, street-inspired remake of Splash!

Bring Back the Night Stalker!
Kolchak rules!

It's a Hell of a Thing…
…to laser-bracelet a man. Disintegrate all he's got and all he's ever gonna replicate.

You're missing the other point - Saurman of Many Colours? Villian.

What Do You Expect?
The only semi-black man (Gandalf the GREY) was recast as Gandalf the WHITE part way through.

The Box just went far too far into crazy town.

It is what it is. Fucking trees, man. The plants. Fuck it.

The song was (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher.

I completely agree with this article.
Leslie is dead.