
His interview on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show was a) Previous to this b) Much more in depth.

His interview on Kevin Pollak's Chat Show was a) Previous to this b) Much more in depth.

Since Maclolm Gladwell is a co-producer we can expect Jesse to be talking about how cool smoking is, how big banks are really fulfilling a very important public role and that President Reagan's greatness has never really been fully understood.

Since Maclolm Gladwell is a co-producer we can expect Jesse to be talking about how cool smoking is, how big banks are really fulfilling a very important public role and that President Reagan's greatness has never really been fully understood.

I really hate pencil line eyebrows so much.

I really hate pencil line eyebrows so much.

PS - Blur is overrated too. The correct answer to "Oasis or Blur?" is "Shoot me in the fucking head."

PS - Blur is overrated too. The correct answer to "Oasis or Blur?" is "Shoot me in the fucking head."

I'll go ahead and say it; Gorillaz is over-rated, mediocre and bland. If it wasn't for the cartoon gimmick and the fact that it was "the guy from Blur", nobody would give two shits about some half-rate, mix-tape-esque manilla aural diarrhea.

I'll go ahead and say it; Gorillaz is over-rated, mediocre and bland. If it wasn't for the cartoon gimmick and the fact that it was "the guy from Blur", nobody would give two shits about some half-rate, mix-tape-esque manilla aural diarrhea.

I'm sure he's a nice guy — and a good actor, as his parts on Party Down and Veronica Mars demonstrate — but I stopped reading at the part where he compared himself to Sinatra and Picasso. I'm sure he would say, like anyone else who does this, "Oh no, I'm not putting myself in the same league as those people."

Machina was underrated, but Zeitgeist isn't very good. What I've heard of Teargarden has not been compelling. I think Billy has become complacent in his success and like many successful artists is failing to hold himself to a higher standard. I listened to Gish, Siamese, Pisces, Mellon Collie, Adore and Machina 1 & 2

This article is such a cop out. I had such high hopes for the subject but I'm sorry Noel, ya blew it.

If you don't follow eddie on twitter I don't want to even know you.

Rush Limabugh is a gasbag who feeds on attention — as is all of Fox News. They only matter if you let them matter.

As a long time fan of both Song of Ice and Fire and MMORPGs I'm going to go on record now as saying this game is going to be terrible. :(

God dammit, AV Club. Are you on a mission to make me hate you? Fucking christ. This show is utter garbage. It's the TV equivalent of a Big Mac with maple syrup on it. If you want to eat it, fine go ahead, I'm not stopping you. But don't go around telling me it's the best thing ever because it fucking isn't.

I watched Big Lake and it felt unfinished.

Ugh, this list is terrible. I was actually excited about last year's but this list is only like 30% songs I ever want to hear again in my life. Depressing.

I love that pointing out the *fact* that someone has had plastic surgery is now considered an attack.