
This is fucking awful. Jesus christ. It's like a librarian read an article about Rock and Roll.

I saw the White Stripes there years ago, great show. Well done, Jack.

I really enjoyed the Comedy but if your brain is made out of cheddar cheese then you might not like it.

It's a great song but hardly alone in being both an homage and parody to 70s rock. There's a fuckload of it.

Congratulations for Ellie but I can't pretend not to be disappointed. I was really hoping she'd land something on HBO or Showtime if you know what I mean.

Oi vey. Are we still doing this?

Buddy, you are sure using a lot of characters to say nothing.

Ok clearly you're new to the internet so let me catch you up my friend because I like your name:

I posted one of the first, if not the first comment in AV Club history and believe me, this kind of shit flinging belongs here.

Prestidigititis please help thyself to a hardy bowl of canceraids.

Are you kidding me with that Dodge commercial being brilliant? It doesn't occur to you that it's incredibly fucking racist?

Yeah I mean, I guess. If it is my fault though I want an XP credit.

I mean this is really narcissistic and lazy but Iris was fucking hilarious in that shit. As I tweeted to Mr. Apatow, I'd watch 2 hours of Iris reading Laffy Taffy wrappers. The dumber the joke the funnier.

I was going to watch Do No Harm just because Samm Levine is on it but fucking christ I just couldn't do it. Jeckyl and Hyde really?  I mean sheesh.

I love Girls, and I'd disagree with his assertion that it's not funny enough, but the accusations of Donglover being a really shallow token presence hit the mark.

There is no way this is going to be good.

I hate Motley Crue but I will agree they are 10x better than fucking Aerosmith.

Good article until you turned on us. Steve, I thought you were our buddy? I'm not jealous that I'm not a journalist. Are you kidding me? My job is way better (programmer.) I comment on articles on the AV Club because I've been reading it (while programming) for like 15 years or however long it's been around and I care

Here's the thing; I love good music but I loathe Pitchfork. So what do I do?!

Here's the thing; I love good music but I loathe Pitchfork. So what do I do?!