
It's a hard truth but sooner or later everybody's just gonna have to accept that broads aren't funny because they sit down to pee. Only with the perspective of standing up while urinating can you form the kind of deep thoughts that result in a brilliant one-liner like "Who farted?! Am I right?!?!?!"

Ok yeah but his flavor of Ben & Jerry's is fucking disgusting.

Wow, yep. I was right, much better. So sad.

Animal Collective's next album will be titled "Farfington's Unicycle Repair Shoppe & Delicatessen". It will be a two disc, LP only release with the second disc Side A entirely devoted to a 20 minute track about the member's children's first words. The last side will contain a cover of "Out of Touch" by Hal & Oates

Welcome to the Internet, you're gonna hate it here.

I'm surprise there's no mention of the (IMHO funny) skit from that night "You Can Do Anything!" which seems perfectly addressed to Lana Del Ray's under-talented, over-hyped, over-privileged "career":

I really feel these should be performance first, interview second. I bet most people are like me and haven't heard a lot of these songs before. And even for those that have, I still think the performance should come first.

New favorite undercover. Fuck the haters, vocals were great, band was great. Way to go, guys.

AV Club Editors: When considering whether to keep Scott Jones around keep in mind this is the video game equivalent of giving the Godfather Part II a C.  By that I mean that Uncharted 2 is pretty universally considered to be one of the best video games of all time (at least so far), and Uncharted 3 by all reports only

You kids screw around too damn much.

While I don't think I'd bump this episode's grade up much past a B+, I still have to disagree with you on some points, Todd.

Schweddy Balls are pretty tasty but not in my top 5 B&J flavors.

Yvette seems like a really fantastic person.  I hope Community makes it to syndication because she deserves to never have to worry about money ever again.

I can't argue with most of these but Dramarama?  For real?  Ugh!  One of the most untalented bands of all time.  No one should ever be subjected to that crap.

Wait did Patton really just draw a comparison between himself and Pacino?

Say hi to your mother for me.

I thought she was scaring them because they didn't understand how a woman could be made of wood.

You aren't funny.

I watch every episode
But I watch it on the website because Comcast is too fucking expensive.

Good lord
He has really gotten completely and totally insufferable at this point.