
If you think the first one holds up…
..try replaying Link to the Past. It's the best of the series by quite a bit. The game all other games must live up to in my mind. So unbelievably mind blowing when it first came out.

Made it 28 seconds.
I flushed a shit with more talent than this spoiled little fucktard.

Also if it was Fincher himself who started the comparisons to Rashomon then he should get punched in the dick because it's a bullshit comparison.

Stop it!
Stop comparing the Social Network to Rashomon. It makes me think you've never seen Rashomon. They are nothing alike *at all*. I kept hearing this comparison before I went and saw the Social Network and it made me hugely disappointed in pretty much the entirety of that movie other than the soundtrack.

I hate the Eagles because..

I generally don't like Festivals
But I do love the AV Club.

Loyal Conan viewer perspective
I'd say I've seen ~90% of the Conan episodes and here's my perspective; it's fantastic if you love Conan. Seriously. For people that never watched Late Night and hated his version of the Tonight Show, nothing here is going to convince you to suddenly see the light. But for those of us

I would start watching..

Fun Fact!

Damn, skipped "Right and Wrong"
One of my favorite Joe Jackson songs:

Noel is about 8 years older than me..

I only asked because a lot of the times bands I am interested come here, they come to Detroit. For example TMBG in September. Probably Mastodon next time they come by. Et cetera.

Don't think of it as coming to the AV Club's defense so much as pissing in your face.

You sure took that "NO COMEDY" thing to heart.

This is happy news indeed. Would this person have to cover Detroit as well? I would assume so and if so this person should be given a rape whistle and wheel locks.

@Roy Munson and Me: No I don't work for Apple. That sounds like fun, but I'm not sure I have the finger strength for that — despite being an avid typist and masturbator.

Steve you misunderstood a few things.

It's Neo-Tokyo

Wow that looks…

I gotta say while I appreciated Pierce covering metal I disagreed strongly with his taste. That combined with getting busted for fabrication means I cannot support the Rehire Pierce movement.