
Glee is really awful.
For seriously. If you like it you have no taste.


SAT time

Left 4 Dead is 10000% times better
There's really no point to this. Walking Dead is already like a shitty TV show version of Left 4 Dead. Why make a bad game out of it just to make the comparison even worse.

Hey I didn't say he WAS a hack, I said "don't BE a hack". Falling back on trite bullshit like "Frank Black burned out after Pixies." is hack writing. Especially the implied "Frank Black burned out after Doolittle." version.

Frank Black's post-Pixies work
I'll argue with anybody that Frank Black's post-Pixies work holds up completely against anything he did with Pixies.

Glee is a turd.
Just because a turd is really popular doesn't make it less of a turd. I have respect for any artist who says "Fuck no!" when Glee offers to take a giant dump all over their music.

Has anybody seen the bridge?

All your inner conflict…

Panic Room is tedious. Calling it a masterpiece makes me really, really wonder about you as a person.

Watched both episodes.

Todd I have a hard time taking your criticisms of Hung seriously when you didn't even catch that the daughter's name is Darby before.

I've watched a couple other seasons..
..and tried to watch some of the others, and I don't think the show has ever been this consistently funny.

Rachel's worth it because…

On the one hand, you're right. On the other hand, MORE CURB!

This news is…

Put these in the Time Capsule..

I'm glad she recognizes how unfunny..

I call shennanigans on Erykah..

Ugh, /fart