
Yup on both points.

The hate for Tasha is REAL online, but I've always sympathized with her. She didn't cheat on anybody, it's not her fault what happened between Lawrence and Issa. Also, I'm glad she told Lawrence off, he was dead wrong and just using her the whole time.

I love how Molly talks that guy, no matter how much work she does he still makes more so there is no point in her being extra nice to him.

This wasn't my favorite episode, but I'm glad Lawrence got called out for his bullshit. He is a f*** boy and he doesn't even know it. I'm glad Issa is getting over him because he isn't worth it, Tasha needs to move on too.

I agree with everything you said. I want the humans to focus on defeating the vampires or at least getting away from them, but all they're doing is living with the vampires. This might work if there were more seasons, but they are wasting time on stuff that doesn't matter. I have nothing positive to say about Dutch or

Things I thought of during this episode: why am I here, this is so predictable, this is awful, I'm so glad this is the last season, why are these characters so damn stupid, why does Gus have to be in gang, why are they doing Haidmaid's Tale with Dutch? And at the end all I could think was: NOOOOO!

I though I was the only one that felt that way. Sadly because his character has so many fans I think he'll be around for a while :(

I like Tulip.

Usually when real couples are on show its because one of them was offered the role and the actor suggested the spouse to play opposite them. I'm not sure if that happened here, but it's unlikely that the casting director only picked them because they are married.

I'm also my crossing fingers, I'm going to try to keep an open mind for the rest of season hoping that the relationships come into better focus. Cheers

I'm going to stick it out for the rest of the season, but I think I'm going to have to fast forward through some stuff (like I've been doing with the "hell" scenes).

I think perspectives like yours is why I don't want to stop watching. Readers of the comics keep saying how great the characters are and for the most part I haven't seen that, but I really hope I do. I see how great the show can be, but it's really hard to connect to most of these people. I think better writing could

I know nothing about the source material, but I did appreciate the first season. This season however has been very hit or miss for me. Outside of Tulip, Denis and Cassidy I find almost every other character to be unbareable. Starr just seems like another in a long list of awful people, that doesn't make me excited for

EXACTLY. That premise is like "30 Days of Night" on steroids, but this season (and this show) never lives up to its potential. SMH.

That show looks awesome, ridiculous, over the top, but I'd watch it every week lol.

Yay for Germy Patty and White J. I hope he or other old cast members join the show. I'm not sure if the Insecure version of Issa would be into White J, but he's much better than Lawrence.

I want a friend like Molly, she is amazing. I'm over the Lawrence, Issa, Tasha triangle. I'm glad Issa's starting to move on, but I also don't care about Lawrence at all. I don't hate him, he just doesn't serve a purpose on the show anymore now that the relationship is over. I also do t hate Tasha, her and Lawrence

Only the Strain can make nuclear winter boring.

Cheers :D

I also quit after 4, for mostly the same reasons. I want monsters, not bugs and ghosts and rape.