
I want to be their third best friend.

Sometimes that show is my favorite part of the episode, damn that was funny!

I love it!

Yup, he knew what he was doing the minute he saw Molly at that damn cupcake shop. SMH

This is a hard episode to comment on, personally I loved it, but it's clear many people didn't. I think what makes this show unique is that it's always willing to show normal people with imperfections. Most tv characters live lives that the average person can only dream of, but average people go to the gas station,

I also said "in many cases". The cops aren't the only people he knowingly put in harms way. MANY people have died because of him sometimes he knows sometimes he doesn't. An entire floor of an apartment complex full of innocent people were gunned down because of him and that was just this season. Last season an entire


I agree with you. If Jessie were a guy I could root for I wouldn't stop watching. I don't need him to be nice all the time, but I need a reason to want him to win and the writers haven't given me one. I've watched many shows with truly evil villains who felt like people, but Herr isn't just evil he is a cartoon

I give up. I know there is a dedicated audience for this show, but I've finally accepted it's just not for me. Every time an innocent person dies as a result of Jessie's crusade I become more disgusted by him. The fact that the writers absolve him by having him not know that people are dying in many cases only shows

That cop scene was great. The writers flipped the script on the audience, that White cop didn't even seem to realize Lawrence was Black, he was just happy his team won. It wasn't what most of the audience was expecting and that made it great, but the undertones were clear.

Exactly, past flashbacks slightly improved the story, this one was superfluous.

I felt the same way about Quinlan.

Umm wow Lawrence just keeps taking well deserved Ls. Now he's out hoing with random Beckys. If he gets a STD I won't feel bad. I'm glad the cops were cool though. Kelly is ALWAYS doing the most and I love her for it. She's that friend you're always embarrassed by, but you always invite her anyway. Issa doing her ho

I've been hard on this season, but I didn't hate the episode because stuff actually happened that mattered to the larger story.

"At this point, if this series went for the ballsy finale of the 2014 film, I’d consider it a happy ending." I gave up after episode 4, but that quote summerizes how I feel about this abomination of show. I don't know how many episodes are left, I love the reviews, but this show needs to die.

I think it was very selfish, which is what I've come to expect from Jesse. That causes me to dislike him less and less.

I honestly thought I was the only person that did that, you're awesome! Hell is super uninteresting, cheers.

Well that happened, 4 episodes left and it's hard to care about what comes next. Poor Denis, I like him.

Ditto Eph and Fet's stories are the only ones that really have anything worthwhile going on. Spiltting everyone up was a horrible idea. Dutch should have stayed with Fet and that new farmer woman wouldn't need to be there. Gus could have gone with them or been with Eph. All these plots with characters we don't know
