
It's told from a perspective Hollywood usually ignores. The characters seem like real people and their experiences are also depicted very realistically. I've also followed Issa's career for many years and like her as a director, actor and producer.

It's better than good.


Another good episode. I'm glad they finally told us who Dennis was.

Last week I was glad the Strain was back, this week I'm thinking it got one season too many. Everything with the Dutchess story line was disturbing. Not just because vampires are forcing women to birth future blood bags, but also because that's what the writers consider to be a good plot for the only female lead.

FINALLY IT'S BACK!!!!!! I loved every second of the premiere. Lawrence ain't sh*t for having sex with Issa even though he has no intention of getting back with her. And neither is the person who gave the premiere a D+, you are GARBAGE! This was an A+ episode.

I agree

Damn I loved this episode. The last 2 episodes really reminded me why I enjoyed season 1.

I agree. I love the show for its sillyness, but I'm a woman and wonder if the show would have a wider audience if it treated women like more than arm candy or evil.

Yes, he set off a nuke in NYC. The worst by far!

Why did they choose to premiere this the same night as GoT? Either way I expect very little from this show "vampires", characters I barely feel a connection to, more reasons to hate Zach, and ridiculous plots. All in all I had a great time!

The show would be exponentially better if there was no rape plot line. But it does and everything about that plot thread is AWFUL.

I give up. I tried to like it but I don't. From its treatment of rape and religion to the silly ghost monster and basically stealing the only working car from a grieving father, I just don't care. I show without likable or at least relatable characters is a waste of my time. I hope it gets better for the audience's

The biggest problem of releasing multiple episodes of a new and mediocre show early is the longer the audience waits for new episodes, the less interesting the show seems. Every time I think of the first 3 episodes all I can think of is how poorly the rape was handled. It's pretty infuriating because I REALLY liked

100% yes!!!!!


I just love this show. Tulip is amazing and Cassidy is hilarious!

Did a show about creatures from an alternate dimension really need to use teen rape as a plot device in the first episode? That was extremely off putting, it pretty much takes all of the fun out of a silly premise because now there's a giant elephant in every room both of the families are in.

I'm glad Sasha won, Peppermint did great against Trinity biut she wasn't better than Sasha.

That was a great reunion, I'm glad the Queens got to speak their minds and people like Charlie and Valentina got exposed. I loved Valentina during the show and I don't follow any of these people on social media, so I was a bit shocked when she acted like the fakest person in the room during the whole reunion. It's sad