
Spot on review. I also feel zero excitement for the finale. I'm just glad it's almost over, so I can stop watching this mindless garbage.

These were probably my favorite episodes of the season. After a few weeks of blah it seems like the're finally getting back to what made the show great in the first place. I hope they continue this trend next week.

I feel the same way, but I don't think it will happen.

You're probably right, but I've liked Carl since he ate all that pudding. It can't be easy to grow up during the zombie apocalypse.

The good: The writers were able to tell multiple stories at the same time. Negan stopped the rapist.

My new favorite Tonight Show clip!

It sucks that more people aren't watching this show because it's a masterpiece. Ernestine and Rosalee are such incredible heroes, they are constantly taking my breath away. This the hardest show for me to watch, but also the one that I have the strongest emotional connection to.

Thank you, but I'd be happy to read your thoughts too :D

I like the way you think, but the trailer for the next episode doesn't make me very hopeful for a good episode.

After watching this crappy show for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if you were right. The fans deserve better than this

I think we're coming at it from very different perspectives. I didn't watch Bates Motel from the beginning to see a remake of an hour and half long movie. If I wanted that I would have watched the 1998 remake. I wanted to see the characters develop and interact with a larger world, during the last 5 seasons the show…

Another solid episode. I didn't know what a midge was last night, but I definitely know now. Also I'm glad they gave Paige more info on the situation, she is holding it together better than most teenagers would. #TeamMartha!!!!

I find it almost funny that so many people are harping on Rihanna's acting, even though she was on screen for short time and didn't have much to do. I don't remember people complaining about Nicola Peltz when she played Bradley Martin. She gave one of the worst on screen performances I've ever seen week after week.…

I know a lot of people felt that way, but I disagree. She was tasked with conveying a lot of character in a short amount of time. The director and writers didn't give her much to work with and I think she did a fair job. Was her performance Emmy worthy? No. Was it Razzie worthy? No. The episode was about Norman's…

That was what every remake should be. A perfect, timely and respectful reimagining of a classic. Psycho is a masterpiece in suspense and horror, tonight's episode played those beats wonderfully. Now this is how a final season should be πŸ‘πŸΎ

That was what every remake should be. A perfect, timely and respectful reimagining of a classic. Psycho is a masterpiece in suspense and horror, tonight's episode played those beats wonderfully. Now this is how a final season should be πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

I've come to expect 2-3 good episodes per season and everything else to be crap. This episode was mostly crap. The convos between Maggie and Daryl and Sasha and Rosita were decent, but they happened a few episodes too late them to have a strong impact.

Welcome to the hate-watch club!

same here
