
I enjoyed Gene's character development. I'm proud of him for actually working to get something done. But for me Bob's stories have felt off this season. They mostly seemed contrived and out of place compared to the rest of the show.

After the season premiere, I thought my problem with the show was Negan. But tonight I realized it's not him, it's the focus on the Saviors. I get why some people loved this episode, but two people dying because they were short one melon doesn't work for me. I get that Richard's plan worked and I'm glad Ezekiel is…

I like Joseph Morgan. The brothers and Elena were more villainess than most of the series "villains". He was a good foe. Of course he was a bad guy who deserved to die, but I prefer him to all other characters on both shows besides Bonnie. It's cool with me if other people don't like him.

From what I heard she wanted off the show after her bad breakup with Ian. If that's true I don't think she would have wanted to do more episodes either way. If that's not true you're probably right.

The most perfect comment I've read on this post! Thank you πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

I agree, but I don't really blame Nina for not wanting to be there.

You're right TVD ended the best way it could have. Of course the slaves did what they do, the only reason PoC are on this show is to help the masters. But Bonnie lived, so I'm cool.

You clearly give a crap or you wouldn't have kept responding to my posts. Did you know opinions are like a**holes? Because they are! You don't have to like mine and because you're so rude I don't care about yours. One great thing about the AV Club is the BLOCK button. I'll be using it now, enjoy your Disney shows,…

Why exactly do you care what I watch? It doesn't affect you in ANY way!!!!


They never knew what to do with most of the characters outside of put them in relationships. Bonnie was never allowed to have real relationships so they put her with her best friend's kid brother, SMFH. When Steve left the show all they had for Bonnie was her magic, will she do magic or won't she. That was it, it was…

Last season was t very good. Killing off most of the female leads was not cool. Bringing in Caroline and Alaric is awful. I'm not optimistic, but I love Klaus so I'll be watching.


That Twitter account makes me really uncomfortable. I'm almost surprised Julie didn't make the Black characters talk like that during show. SMH!

I always preferred Damon because he was honest about who he was. Stefan was a delusional killer who wanted to be hero.

I hate to say it, but I don't see any of the main actors from this show moving on the starring in films. I would like Kat to transition, but that doesn't seem likely. Steve went to Chicago Fire and didn't even last a season. They might get new CW shows but that usually turns out badly. Joseph Morgan made it work…

I want Kat to get show outside of the CW. Bonnie will never be treated well in a Jule P controlled show, her story should end with this finale.

Maybe she'll become a ripper and then complain about how she's the victim to Klaus all the time. I'm becoming less and less excited about this season of The Originals *sigh*.

No one who has been killing innocent people for more than 100 years is redeemable. But lucky for Damon Julie P and some of the audience preferred Delena to Stelena, so he lived.

@Akimbo you'll always be better at summarizing this show's HORRIBLE racial relations than me πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ! I've hated Alaric since the actor playing him defended Julie P's racism towards Bonnie and other characters of Color in the early seasons before he died the first time. He's an arrogant, selfish, bad friend who…