
I saw it, it was always bad. I stopped enjoying it after season 3, but I never hated anyone on TB as much as I do most of the characters on TVD. Bill and Sookie were awful, but most of the other characters were decent.

Spot on comment! Julie and the writers room failed to tell good stories for most of the series. They focused on ships because love triangles and will they, won't they are easy to write. It's sad because many years ago this show had potential.

And because they wanted to make all the fans who stopped watching years ago (shippers) happy. The writers always favored them over the people who stuck with this show from beginning to end.

I loved Klaus on TVD and he makes The Originals more watchable for me than this show. I fully understand that it's not for everyone though. But Haley and some other characters are annoying.

I knew you would understand! Hate watching is what brought a lot of us to the AV club reviews and I'm ok with that. I had fun complaining and enduring each week. Some people just don't get it.

I enjoyed Enzo a lot for most of the season and I was sad when they killed him. Benzo deserved a real reunion, but she's alive so I'm not too mad.

Honestly I don't think his acting was ever very good. In the beginning he was cute, but now he's kinda old and overacts. Sorry, not sorry.

Back at you!!!! 😎

I also wish both brothers had died, but one is better than none πŸ˜‰

I said so many times that I didn't think Bonnie would survive, I'm sooooooooo glad I was wrong. I agree another hour would have helped, but Nina was smart enough to only agree to one episode. I'll miss chatting with everyone after the episodes!

Very good questions, that we'll likely never get answers to.

"At some point the characters I fell in love with disappeared and left me with these hollow shells. It feels like every episode since Nina’s exit has just been filler for her return, like every storyline was created with the option to bring her back ." 100% This πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

I watched because I wanted to and I cared about Bonnie and I love vampire mythology. Hate watching is not a new thing and a lot of the audience that stuck with the show in later years hate watched.

I'm gonna miss this forum and the reviewers and all the commenters too. As this show deteriorated the forum made me want to come back each week. In terms of the show, I'm glad I stayed for Bonnie, but the audience deserved better in the last few seasons. I hope AV Club covers The Originals, it's a much better show.

My thoughts while watching the finale:
-I never liked Stelena and I've disliked Delena for years, Elena has been my least favorite character since season 3, I'm gonna hate this episode.

Thanks for reviewing this AV Club. I loved this episode and I love this show. The brutality is so your face you can't deny the horrors of slavery. I was impressed by the way they focused on mental health and how the North helped the South reign terror upon Black people. The handling of sewing circle and Harriet Tubman…

I didn't even realize this show was back! I can't wait to watch it tonight :)

This show is heartbreaking and always shocking. The scene with "Norma" and Caleb when she said he and Norman were in love with her and Caleb never disagreed was scary good and pretty gross. I feel bad for Caleb, but his storyline had no where else to go. I've always liked Alex, but he's an idiot for escaping and now…

I've been hate watching since I started watching again in season 6. I only stay for Kat G

Ignoring everything that wasn't focused on Richonne, I LOVED the episode!!! They are my favorite tv couple and this was the most time we've spent with them one on one. I'm starting to feel like she might die, but it was still a great episode. Rosita and the rest were not great.