
I was proud of Louise this week. Gene did great too, poor Tina kinda got pushed to the side.

Me too

It's a soap opera with almost zero consequences for the leads. I love horror and vampires, if you do too you'll probably dislike this and True Blood. Both focus on young immature women/girls who "fall in love" with vampires who should know better. On this show the early villains are the highlight. True Blood went to…


I guees we'll find out next week, if she does live I don't see them letting her get away from her "friends" aka slave owners.

I'll accept that Damon didn't rape Caroline as soon as I accept that they've treated Bonnie well throughout the series. Just because the writers don't want me to remember what I saw doesn't mean I will forget. They wrote Damon compelling Caroline and having sex with her without her consent, they can't undo that. I'm…

"Well done show. You deserve to be forgotten." 100% πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

The whole episode I kept thinking DIS DAT BULL****!!!! Once again your comments were spot on, but it seems even more tragic now that the writers plan is so oblivious. I almost don't want to watch the finale because I know Bonnie will die, the mass murdering White people will live and they'll end with Elena in Damon's…

After last night I think they're gonna kill off Bonnie. They should kill everyone except Matt and Bonnie and get them the F out of Mystic Falls. But that won't happen, I think you're right though this world is hell for Bonnie.


I've never stuck with a show this long that had a cast of characters that I loathe this intensely. It's an odd feeling as the series comes to an end.

And yet again they proved why the show needs to end, the writers don't understand their audience.

I think the writers were the ones who compelled everyone, but they forgot that they couldn't compel the audience.

You're right, all that time wasted on sirens could have been spent with characters we know. Too bad they dropped the ball AGAIN.

This is what I wrote down as I watched this garbage episode:

Thank you Spider-Man :D

Can anyone tell me if Negan was in the whole episode?

I'm not assuming anything, many media outlets stated that she wanted out after she broke up with Ian and he publicly moved on and the writers kept putting her in romantic situations with him. Do some fact checking before you come at me!

The writers decided a long time ago the
At Stefan was the hero no matter how many awful things he did and this is the result of that. Poor writing = poor storytelling.

"Both Ric and Caroline are terrible parents." That's exactly what I think every time the kids are on screen.