
I feel the same way. Every week I wish I wasn't watching and it is punishment. But I stay for Bonnie because I've lasted this long I don't really see a point in giving up now.

I still don't love the fact that Bonnie was even there, she could have died. 90% of Bonnie's actions on this show have been about saving these selfish a**holes. I'm so over that.

I've done that too, my ultimate wish for the finale is everyone dies (at the hands of Katherine) except Bonnie and Matt and they leave Mystic Falls (not as a couple) and never return. An added bonus would be if Enzo came back to life, but if that doesn't happen I'll be ok.

Killing Bonnie would be the ultimate FU to the remaining fans, that's why I think they just might do it 😩

Every time Stefan strings Caroline along I hate him even more. It seemed like a slow week in This week in vampire diaries race relations. Stefan is a jerk and for whatever reason Enzo, Matt, Damon and Caroline oh think he deserves a redemption and it's silly. I will send the black people in this town especially the…

That's exactly how I felt at the beginning of season 7 and these last two seasons have only reinforced that belief. At the end of season 6 it felt like there was a chance for fresh new stories, but all we got was the Salvatore mom and her idiot "family". I'm so glad it's almost over.

I agree. I remember a time early in the show's run when they tried to make it about the brothers, but ships took over. The writers can't move on and it shows in every episode. Bonnie deserves better than those people around her, I hope she survives and leaves town.

The quips got on my nerves a bit this week. He feels pretty one note since he's been back.

I think you're right and the bet was between Katherine and Kai. But I have to wonder with all time that hell has existed, how are two souls that have only been there a short time next in line to lead hell? It makes zero sense.

Focusing on Elena (you know the character that "died" because the actress playing her hated this show soooo much she quit) is BEYOND irritating. It feels like 90% of the show since she left has been about her. If the writers couldn't think of any other topics, they should have just cancelled the show.

I'd like to personally thank AV Club for adding a block button. It really helps during these types discussions.

valid point

Maher is a bigot, people on the left who still watch his show need to ask themselves why. I won't praise him for being relevant in the past, politics as entertainment is what brought us Trump. HBO would be smart not renew his contract and people from all sides should stop going on his show!

This was a very eerie episode, that reminded me why this show is so special. I didn't realize it was coming back so soon, but I'm glad it did. I completely forgot Alex went to jail. I think the time jump was a good idea, it raises a lot of interesting questions for future episodes.

Another great episode. I know most people hate Nisha, but u respect that she turned herself in. A lot of people wouldn't have done the same. I'm glad Odie is back, I hope they fix his arm. I don't like Hester, but I appreciate that the writers are giving another robot point of view.


It was wonderfully awful.

Not my favorite episode, Gayle stories are fine but borderline cat abuse isn't funny. I'm glad she got him out of that audition.

The only things that make this show worth watching at this point are Bonnie and "This Week In Vampire Diaries Race Relations"! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ I do think Matt can be added to list of entitled people this week. He is fully on team White atoned vampire. It's ridiculous that he of all people would think Stefan is deserving…

All I wanted was to see the characters I like safe and closer to taking out Negan. For me this episode was spot on. I'll be skipping next week though.