
"At what point will these characters be held accountable?" This is the best/ most pressing question I've read about this show. Why do the humans keep suffering, the side characters keep dying and the vampires keep getting away with their murderous behavior? Caroline looked at a table of dead people that her FIANCÉ

I want Stefan dead and I want Bonnie happy. I don't think the writers will either, I'm disgusted with this show, but I keep watching 😪

Zachary R's acting throughout all the flashbacks was horrible and kinda embarrassing.

I agree with everything you said, but next week won't be better, because the writers hate the tiny audience they have left. They want to make every episode as miserable as possible and they are succeeding in their goal. I don't feel much for Matt either, but he's better than everyone else except Bonnie. I also laughed

Funny how they could bring Kai, Alaric, Damon, Bonnie, and countless other people back, but they had to destroy Enzo. And leave him in hell. Imagine if they had given him a different ending, that wasn't creepy. SMFH!

Positives: Persia White came back, Matt is a really good friend and I no longer care about any character who isn't Bonnie or Matt.

You just summed up everything I felt when I watched.

Racism doesn't work both ways. Racism (noun), definition- "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior". Black people don't have the privilege to discriminate against or pre-judge White people. Black people didn't force White

I'm allowed to do whatever I want. I only watch this show for Bonnie and have been complaining about the racial politics for years.

Because the writers don't think it's a problem.

This Week In Vampire Diaries Race Relations is always a highlight. I think you're right continued obsession of the writers to make White people "good" and Black people expendable. When they killed that Black guy a couple of weeks ago because he admitted he wanted to live I was disgusted. But this show has been doing

Based on his accent I always thought he was British, but based on his name he's probably Italian, either I think of him as a White person.

The only way the show can be redeemed in my eyes is if Enzo is brought back and Stefan dies for real. But I don't think the writers will ever do that.

On another note of course they did this to Bonnie, Black people can never have full lives on this show. Like Bonnie said she always has to sacrifice her happiness for her WHITE friends! The new archaeologist Black guy is only there to help them and provide information the audience would have never known otherwise.

I'm devastated!!!! Why? Stefan has been the character I liked least since season 1. Bonnie has been the character I liked most since season 1. Now this garbage person kills the love of Bonnie's life? Why? I'm disgusted by the manipulative writing that made us care about this couple for 2 years and then the

I sorta liked this episode, but a lot of it felt like a rerun; the final minutes were very compelling though. I'm glad Matt forgave Damon, not bc Damon deserves forgiveness, but bc Matt has been consumed by anger. Hopefully this will help Matt move on. I'm also glad Cade killed Sybil and Selene, I never hated either

Perfect review 👏🏾

I'm also over the Delena stuff.

Elena Elena Elena!!! That's pretty much the only thing I heard in this episode :( I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I stopped liking Elena very early in the series' run. When she left I was happy because there was a chance that they might tell other stories. Sadly that didn't happen, because the writers were incapable

I skipped all his scenes in his first season, so his relationship with Bonnie is all I know of his character and I like him so far.