

I'd be fine if everyone except Bonnie, Matt and maybe Enzo died. That's not good on the show where they want us to like Damon, Stefan and Caroline.

I couldn't remember the last time Caroline and Matt interacted one on one, so I also laughed.

Episodes without Bonnie are miserable. Damon was never gonna die, Caroline *eye roll*, Sybil is only still around to cause problems and propell the "storyline", Ripper Stefan is a horrible person just like non-Ripper Stefan, Matt and his dad were just there to help find the bell. The bell is a new macguffin just like

There were moments when Jimmy Jr sounded WAY too much like Bob and it got awkward for me. I know the same person does the voices for both characters, but it distracted me much more than usual and made the romance seem weird. All in all, it was an ok episode.

I NEVER said she was amazing, but she has been able to launch many successful shows, which Daniels has yet to emulate. But if you want to disagree for the sake of disagreeing have fun!

I'm going to enjoy hate reading these reviews until the show gets cancelled or AV Club stops covering it, but I'd never watch this show. Lee Daniels is no Shonda Rhimes, even Empire was only good for half of the first season.

Guess I'll be watching a lot of reruns this year, almost none of those seem interesting.

I'm sure it did, but getting involved in the film was a bad idea from the start. Oh well, I'm sure someone will see it.

Michael Fassbender is my favorite working actor, I've played all of the Assassin's Creed games and love most of them. But as soon as this project was announced I knew it was doomed. What makes a video game good/interesting is not the same thing that makes a movie good/interesting. The only interesting parts of the

That was funny, but a oneliner doesn't change the fact that he just exists on the show and is used as a pawn regularly.

On another note I'm glad Emmy got her money. I don't always like Fiona, but the show wouldn't have lasted this long without her. Frank has been disposable for years unlike Fiona.

I didn't think the show could make me care about anyone except Carl again, but they did. The finale wrapped things up very well. Frank's speech at the funeral about Monica diving into his car naked after being raped was very compelling and made his loss all the more tragic. The writers did a great job with all the

I enjoyed the first, but I have to admit I don't really remember what happened.

Until I read this, I had forgetten that he killed Stefan. But since no one ever stays dead on this show he could have killed them all and they'd just deus ex machina a way out of it. I wouldn't pay attention at all if it aired on any other night.

It wasn't great, but I enjoyed Boyle.

I agree, Mickey has been completely devoted to Ian for years. It would have been nice for Mickey to come back say bye and say that he doesn't want Ian anymore. That way they could both move on. But no, once again the writers had to make Ian break Mickey's heart.

*sigh* I always knew Mickey coming back would never end well and until Ian got in the car last week I kept asking why any of this even happened. This week I have my answer; the writers just wanted to f*** with people who loved Ian+ Mickey. That entire thing never needed to happen, Ian broke up with Mickey before he

Of all the people at that dinner table who have been been killed, Damon picks PETER? This summarizes everything wrong with the show. They makes the stakes seem REALLY serious, make it seem like the main characters MIGHT be in danger and then nothing happens and we're all supposed to be happy because some kids got to

You aren't wrong.