
I would have even been ok with her not getting the no hitter, but getting hurt was just a punch in the gut to the audience.

This was one of the best episodes of the season until the end. I don't get why the show insists on always pulling the rug out on the audience during the baseball parts of the show, but it's become very predictable. Just once it would have been nice to see Ginny win a big game, but oh well. Who knows if they'll be a

Noooooooooo. Last week was my favorite episode again. This week they had a storyline about feet, I HATE FEET!!! Also, the thing I love most about this show is that it makes cops seem like good, mostly competent and kind people, the stupid chief does the exact opposite. In the end he got replaced, but only because of

I agree with the review. And I know that after the poor treatment Mickey's character has received by the writers many people are over the show. I felt a bit manipulated when they came back together in this episode, but I'm glad Ian went away with him. Sure it will all turn out badly and Mickey will go back to jail,

Sad Maeve was pretty selfish this week and went back in. I wanted to seethe world outside the park. But I'm glad Dolores didn't spend another episode just crying and being confused.

The only reason ive hung on this long is because I know it's the last season and I say good riddance!!!! Bonnie and Matt don't deserve hell, but if the others go there, it's fine by me.

You're spot on. I do like Bonnie and Enzo. At this point it's pretty much the only thing I like in the show, but Bonnie deserves more than being Enzo's girl for rest of the series. Why haven't the writers had her try to get her magic back? It really makes no sense knowing powerful Bennett witches are/were.

This season is supposed to make the audience love the characters more and prepare us to say farewell. But at this point Matt, Bonnie and Enzo are the only ones I don't despise. I have no opinion on the girls and never will. Every scene Alaric was in reminded me why I never wanted him to come back all those years ago,

I don't want it yet either, it will get stale very quickly.

No flashbacks and no new characters, I've started fast forwarding past the managerial discussions so I enjoyed it. Of course Mike was never gonna leave, but they did a good job setting it up to make it seem like he might.

I say this regularly, but this was my favorite episode. Every storyline was hilarious! Amy admitting that she thinks of the captain as her dad and then wearing pajamas (at least her clothes looked like pjs to me) later was so cute. The captain's 45 minute rage at Rosa because she was right the whole time was also a

That was great!


The minute she said it, I said NOPE!

You touched on so many great points. The one that most people haven't brought is Ciara being forced out by Deb. It really seems odd that NO ONE has said a word about why Deb thinks it's ok to evict a woman and her small child for no reason. Deb hasn't even married Neil yet, it's really ridiculous. Also, if Lip likes

Neil doesn't have a "mental handicap" he has a brain injury, that is not illegal and neither are "mental handicaps" by the way. If Deb hadn't punched the woman in the face her daughter's aunt would have never gotten DCFS involved in the first place. And as we saw last night, she did end up calling the cops they just

I was confused as to why she threatened to call the FBI before the cops. I know kidnapping is a felony, but the cops should really be the first call. You're right, it's bad writing.

Every time Monica was on screen my brain said NOOOOOOOO!!! Now she's dying, am I supposed to feel bad or sad because I don't. She is an emotional terrorist and it makes sense that the writers brought her back to humanize everyone else but she's still THE WORST. Frank is being great with that old lady and Liam though,

I googled it, it's a small house. I'm guessing like a pool house.

This show is everything!!!! The Molly and Issa conflict throughout the episode was perfect and their reconciliation was beautiful. Lawrence shouldn't have forgiven Issa, but he also shouldn't have called her making promises. Lawrence and Issa weren't meant to be, it's for the best that it's over. The strip club stuff