
Good point

I agree with everything you said. Her judgement of therapy seemed just as backwards and outdated as her judgement of Jared's past. It fits her character but it is very off putting. Her racism was dead wrong too.

I LOVE this show. The characters make me so angry, but they actually have to deal with the repercussions of their actions, WOW that's rare on tv. Molly is becoming that hateful friend that you stop hanging around because she's ALWAYS negative. And Issa deserved to get caught. I feel bad for her, but I feel worse for

Ford and the man in black are straight up terrorists. I hope the show gets rid of at least one of them soon.

I'll be doing that too going forward.

It's also funny how she demanded a pay increase for a job she's not even doing anymore.

I stopped watching Frank's scenes years ago, but I'm getting to the point where I want to stop watching Debbie's too. The writers have made her as unlikable as Frank and it's sad because she should be very sympathetic. When Frannie got kidnapped all she had to do was call the police!

I think Alaric and Caroline are more of the villains for abandoning their children than Seline is for letting them use their powers. Yeah this won't turn out well, but if they bothered to raise their kids, Seline wouldn't even be around. Does Caroline still have a job, if not why is she never with her kids?

I'm cool with them as a couple, but if most of audience hates it the show might get canceled if they go for it too soon.

This is too much, they shouldn't have killed Wes. He's too important to too many people, mainly Anna and Laurel. The winter premiere needs to fix this, maybe it was a fake body that someone planted to frame Anna. Idk, but this is NOT ok!!!!

I'm done complaining about this show every week. It's not going to improve, so ok fine. Tonight's episode happened & next week other baseball related stuff will happen. The sport is boring and so is the show. Cool

I'm also sad we didn't get more with his daughter, seems like a wasted plot device to me.

That episode was all over the place, not my favorite.

This was another great episode that moved the story forward for all of the characters, I'm just really not happy to see Petra. I know she's good for drama, but I can't stand her, that's not a complaint on the show, because she had to come back. But I still hate her.

That was not a good episode, I'm not sure if having it spoiled made it worse, but it wasn't good. It reminded me of what Sex in the City would be like if it aired in 2016, rich people, talking about rich people stuff, tone deaf to the rest of the world. Obnoxious is the only word that comes to mind, Mindy has become

WOW AV Club thanks a lot for the spoiler!!!! I know almost no one watches the show these days, but still why make the title of the article an episode spoiler? That's just RUDE!

How? Molly considers it be an imperfection. And that's how the writers framed it. My no one is perfect comment was also about all of Molly's "relationships" not just her and Jared.

We'll see

Sigh!!!!! I love the show for having hard conversations, but I'm starting to strongly dislike Molly the character for behaving in a realistic (for some) way when she has those conversations. The issue Molly and Jared dealt with is real in the Black community and some women (maybe a lot) would have handled it like

Me too :(