
I agree completely

I'm half way through the episode and wondering why the writers keep doing things so wrong. Why is every other sentence with Caroline about the wedding that NO ONE cares about? She sounds like a 6th grader planning her dream wedding and after 7 seasons most of the audience is NOT in the 6th grade!!! It would have been

Thanks, I updated it ;)

Not my favorite episode but Frank showing up at Bonnie's and then Laurel's and Wes being a snitch made it sorta decent. How dare Frank show up and cry in Bonnie's face after lying and leaving her in that hotel only to go straight to Laurel's! I guess Anna was right about him all along, I'm glad Bonnie killed him out.

This was a very good episode, but if the waitress doesn't become a recurring character and they go back to flashback mode, it will all be for naught. Hopefully they are finally deciding what story they want to tell.

I stopped reading a few issues before Negan killed Glenn so no. But I have seen plenty of shows and know that tigers are not found in the wild in Virginia.

She did go back to the partner. IMO having the boss handle it instead of Molly doing it, is Molly not getting in the middle of it. Molly already knows Rashida doesn't value her opinion on the matter, so saying something twice wouldn't help anyone.

Oh I get you now, good point. She was pretty close with Fet and it's sorta his fault that the vamps flooded the city (before the bomb) so if anyone should care, it would be him. But he's been a bit of an ass in recent episodes, so idk.

I noticed that she died, but I hated her so I'm not sad. But I love Gus and hope he's ok and that he's back next season.

I agree

I do wonder if they're gonna change it, Jane the Former Virgin sounds horrible, but I like Jane the Virgin*

Exactly! If you're Black in the professional world, one of these scenario is familiar. That's why I love the show, we rarely get "our" Black perspective shown on tv.

I'm so glad it's finally over and they don't have to keep obsessing over it and will she/won't she. And her grand mother can stop shaming her for wanting to FINALLY!!!!!



I remember the bad old days of this show when Zachary ruined everything, he was the character I most loved to hate and dammit he didn't disappoint tonight! That little devil ruins EVERYTHING and I love/hate him for it. But with a dad like Eph I can't blame him. I'm so glad I stuck with this show because this season

I agree with you and I felt bad for Rashida. But, she didn't listen to Molly who knew the way the company works, so now she has to be embarrassed publicly. I'm glad Molly didn't get in the middle of it though.

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows, I loved this episode. This show is so real :)

I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I'm done. There is nothing more I hate on tv than a pilot and this week felt like a pilot and next week seems like it will be one too based on the trailer. I can't think of a non-anthology show in its 7th season that introduced so many new people and I just don't care. I liked

Good point, but Anna the character is a good actress and could be trying to make the cops feel like she cares. Idk.