
I think this is the first time I've said this this, but I liked it. Caroline and Alaric are done, FINALLY! Damon gets to be bad again. Enzo didn't die (I can't believe I was sad when Bonnie was killing him), Bonnie is not a hunter anymore. If they had killed off Mr. Judgmental aka Stefan this would have been the best

The season was awful, the characters are awful, the stories being told are awful, but I'll keep watching. I was gonna quit after season four and then I stayed, I felt in season four what many feel now, utter contempt. At this point I'm indifferent to everything and everyone on the show. If anyone except Fitz died I

I read the review and then decided to watch the episode and I enjoyed it. Nothing about Empire is good, but I've grown to accept the predictability and am indifferent to most of the characters. The music was decent and I'm glad Rhonda is starting to fugure out the truth. All in all it was better than Scandal ( so is

Hot damn I love this show :)

Damn that was good. Every second of the satanist storyline was unbearable, but at least it's over!! Watching Hood confess to Brock was hilarious, in all that time a good cop would have figured it out, but I still like Brock. Job DESERVES a spinoff, because he is by far the best character on this show. With things

Another great episode

The rape depressed me too. We get it, he wants to show off his power and ability to dominate. We also know he's a horrible person, the rape taught us nothing about the character. It was just there to be horriblr and sad. I'd hoped with such little time left in the series run, they could have moved past that type of

I think would have been good, because for a mercenary her motivations seem a bit strange, as if the mission is more her than just a payday. I'd also be happy with no time for Eliza.

Buffy had 7 seasons

I don't get why they had to kill them both. I think there's a lot more thst could have been done with both women. The civil war will be good tv, but I can see them using it to kill Marcel.

Devaaaaaa! Seeing her in danger was one of the hardest things to watch on this show, EVER. This was hands down the best episode of the season. Anna has to kill Proctor. Job is back to being Job. Hood is still broken, but there for his family. And the Satanist didn't kill the sheriff. If that was the whole episode it

I like them together too, she does deserve to be happy.

I feel like I've seen this storyline before, it was when Willow went dark and Xander had to save her from herself. Buffy did it A LOT better. I love Bonnie and I like Benzo and I'm proud of Damon for admitting that he loves Bonnie, but I don't care about anything else. There is no doubt that they will cure Bonnie, but

Shonda thinks those same racists would nominate a single, intelligent woman who has 2 kids that America never sees. So at this point I wouldn't put any political foolishness past her.

This is spot on, Jake can save himself, he doesn't need Olivia. The writers are so instant on keeping him on the show and in Olivia's life that this whole season has been focused on his inability to get anything done on his own. I'd be happy if he, Rowan and all that B613 baggage was dead.

That was the fastest primary cycle in American politics in the last 30 years and it was also so convenient. The racist is out, bc he was honest once, the Black guy is out, bc he was honest once, Susan is out, bc she fell in love with a loser who brought her down. None of the campaign leaders did a good job, Mellie

I liked it, but the sudden confession from Iris seemed a bit misplaced. Also why didn't Caitlin even try to get away? I'm glad Cisco and his brother are working things out, Cisco goes through a lot on this show, he needs support.

That's even sadder, it sounds like they changed her into a weak vamp and then killed her off for nothing. She became a pawn.

I was very sad too. I hope Camilla left and has something better coming up. I really think Davina is too important to the show to stay dead or maybe she quit, idk.

I wish there was a ranking of F-, because that's what this show deserves. Why put the best/most liked character in the same situation you had a boring random in just a few weeks ago? There was NOTHING good about the Reina (I don't care how her name is spelled) storyline, but at least it seemed like it was over. NOPE!