
With only 2 episodes left in the season, I find myself asking WHAT WAS THE POINT? The only thing this season has done successfully is make me hate the American election cycle even more and hate almost all of the characters.

I gave up on the show a while back, but I love these reviews. Keep up the good work.

That wasn't good. personally I'm over Earth 2. The main plot needs to move on and be done with Earth 2, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Your comments are all spot on, including the questions about the ice cream. Ever since episode 1 of thus season I felt like the time jump was a bad idea. Each week they prove me right.

I mostly agree with reviewer, the stuff with main cast was great and serial killer plot is awful and interesting. The serial killer plot felt like it was happening on supernatural show, especially when the wife drank the victim's blood. I wasn't a fan of Eliza D's character, she felt really out of place to me. With so

I rarely say positive things about this show, but I really like Bonzo. Bonnie's love lifeel has always seemed like an afterthought for the writers, so I'm glad to see her happy in an adult relationship. The Damon stuff continues to be drawn out and repetitive. I skipped the Stefan and Alaric stuff. All in all the show

Guess I'm the only one that liked the episode. Everything we saw was horrible, but we finally learned about Jake. Not justifying anyone's awful actions, but these characters do horrible things every week so that part didn't surprise me.

I'm sad the producers showed the jealous side of Thorgy, because in the end I was glad she went home. She started to remind me of Ginger, SMH. Chi Chi did one of best lip syncs in Drag Race Herstory

Bonnie's back and as mad at Damon as I would be. I only care about Bamon and Enzo is ok, so this episode was the best in awhile. I'm not a fan of them making Bonnie sick, but it's better than her not being there at all. No comment on the rest of the show because I fast forwarded through it.

I agree, The Originals has never been perfect but I think it's far superior to TVD. I only care about Bamon on TVD. But I care about almost everyone (not Finn or new aka old Kol or this season's villians) on The Originals.

Now I'm glad I stopped watching after season 1. If I were Beharie I'd have left this sinking ship too. Such a waste of a good idea.



I don't watch anymore either, but I love reviews.

Sooooo funny!!!!!!

Ilana's acting was good this episode. Best show of the week! I hope Abbi works things out with Trey.

I hate to defend this show but the episode didn't deserve an F. Taking Scandal for what Scanal has become, this was the best thing Olivia has done in years. That man had her sold at auction to the highest bidder, because he could, he deserve worse than what he got. Wearing a White hat is easy when you haven't been

I'm half way through the episode and literally falling asleep. This show is too boring to complain about. I stay for Bamon, but there is no Bamon. At this point it's impossible for me to care about these people or the wild storylines the writers come up with to give the characters something to do. If I were Kat G I'd

Please review Underground, it's a million times better than this trash.

Another great review, the reviews are MUCH better than the show.