
We're only a few episodes in and this provided a better finale than The Walking Dead. Losing Nina hurts and it matters, but it also makes sense for the show. The whole episode was great, too bad The Americans isn't the #1 show on cable :(

We're only a few episodes in and this provided a better finale than The Walking Dead. Losing Nina hurts and it matters, but it also makes sense for the show. The whole episode was great, too bad The Americans isn't the #1 show on cable :(

Good points. It would be kinda funny if a horde of walkers showed up bc of the whistling and if that is what allows Rick's group to get away. I really hope that doesn't happen though.

Yay, thanks :)

I thought of that the whole episode, why not bring that on the RV?

I didn't need to see the beating either, but knowing who died or git beaten would have been a lot better than knowing nothibg at all.

I didn't expect this finale to be better than TWD, but it was. Unlike the other show's 💩 cliffhanger the one with Lip made sense. He needs to decide for himself if he wants treatment and I'm not sure he's made the decision either way. The rest of the episode was also very good. Fiona really loves Sean and I'm glad he…


COMPLETE GARBAGE!!! After all these years of putting up with inconsistent writing, this show finally had a season with a lot of good episodes, but they had to ruin it in the end. I know some people liked the episode, I did not. They could have made the finale 30 minutes and we would have had the same story. I haven't…

Last season I mostly fast forwarded to the Bonnie and Damon parts, but this season I've been watching the entire episodes, I think I should have stuck with fast forwarding. Also, I haven't cared about Stefan since season 2.

I agree with every point you made.

The reviewer was spot on, this episode was bad. I never cared about Rayna or her revenge mission, because it all felt really petty and silly. If she had spent her life going after Julian that would have made sense, but she will track ANYONE that crosses her path until they die and I still don't know or care why. I…

Exactly, child abuse isn't funny and tv shows shouldn't profit from making it seem funny. I wonder if all the people laughing would be laughing if they got assaulted multiple times with a broom.

I know I'm in the minority, but I didn't love the episode. After waiting such a long time for the show to return, I was somewhat let down. I have no problem with the time jump though.

I'll always remember this episode as the one where it finally happened, Abbi and Trey! I love it!

It's finally back and I still love it!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyy

I know most people won't agree with me, but I am soooooo over the child abuse. Watching beat Hakeem is NEVER enjoyable.

The Time Wraith twist was awesome, I also loved that Barry helped Eddie say goodbye to Iris. This was a great episode.

I finally get to call another episode my favorite of the season :) This was so good, I feel bad for Rosa, but at least she got to say goodbye. For her sake I hope he comes back one day.

I love this show.