
I didnt mean her necessary, there are a few that I've noticed that are doing it. Like Derek Berry (I'm not sure if I spelled that right).

Is any of that necessary, no it is not. This site needs a block feature!

I've really enjoyed this season so far, but am I the only one noticing they are letting some of the girls "rely on that body" and not saying a word about it?

Sadly yes

Good point, I root for Liam

Aww thanks, I'd hug back

Why do the best fighters keep leaving Alexandria mostly unguarded? Why do people keep listening to Rick even though his plans ALWAYS get people hurt and killed? And why in the FREAKING WORLD do they keep having loud long drawn out conversations out it the open, even though they know people are after them? These were

For years I've watched people defend Frank and it never made sense to me, if someone defends him now I'd say the person is a lost cause. Every time Frank acts like a decent human being the kids and audience prepare for another load of crap, he didn't disappoint this week and I'm disgusted. If Sean dies I won't be

I agree about the election plot, I'm sick of this show treating elections like a silly plot device. Watching the real life train wreck that I'd our election should remind the world that this is not a joke. Everytime they talk election stuff I tune out, sadly that's most of episodes these days.

Great review.

I'm starting to wonder what fantasy decade this show was set in. It's 2016, there is a button to stop an escalator, why didn't that guy just get hit by the train if the writers wanted to kill him? Ann is BY FAR the only good thing this show has going for it, if your ignor the world's most rand on orgasm. I'm not sure

Lip has been a jerk to a lot of people throughout the course of the show, that's why I'm so bored with the same story season after season. I wouldn't be surprised if Fi cheated AND Sean went back to using. They sorts deserve each other.

I enjoyed the episode, I think the girls are coming into their own and I watch Empire and appreciated what they were trying to do with the skits.

Yup, taking the tracks was always a bad idea, it's too easy to get caught.

I didn't love this episode, but I'm glad Lip finally got his comeuppance, for the sake of the character I hope he's not back on top in a couple of weeks.

I've been saying that for more seasons than I can remember.


It just keeps getting worse. I didn't care about any of the storylines and I'm pretty sure one election with a Trump like figure is too much, we don't need two. Can someone tell the writers that having Olivia stalk her former stalker is creppy and pathetic!

That was really good

I agree with both points. Mandy deserves better than constantly bring victimized and Lip's alcoholism and constant womanizing got old a long time ago. It's hard to feel bad for him with the professor situation when he has shit on so many impressionable young women.