
Every week I say it's my favorite episode but this week it's true I loved every minute of it it was great.

Everything with William was so good that I'm not even going to criticize the rest of the episode. More William dreams please, because that stuff is golden. But for real the Obamacare reference was unnecessary, Chris Carter please don't make me dislike Mulder by the end of this, PLEASE!

That assumption was the biggest plot hole for me, what would rich people get out of killing all the rest of us? We do the jobs they dont want to do and if they want to go to space they can afford to do that now, it just doesn't make sense.

I thought it was weird that she treated the nurse like an assistant, why is the nurse taking her personal calls?

I found it very strange that two people that have been suspicious of the government for decades acted like everyday citizens. Why were they so surprised when McHale's character told them drones can hear them in unsecure locations. And why did they use easily trackable modern technology like it wouldn't get people in

Yup, it was really outdated.

I loved X Files back in the day and rewatched the whole series over the last few months. I was excited for it to be back, but now after watching episode 1, I'm left thinking this was a bad idea. The good: Scully, Skinner and Mulder are back and they haven't changed, they are still seeking the truth and Joel McHale is

I want it to be the same as the old show (until 6 season 6), so I'm VERY excited.

I agree with you, she's being completely irrational. I'm not saying this to defend her at all, but since she started exploring sex, everything she's done has been irrational. She raped a guy. Lying to get pregnant just seems to continue that crazy pattern. But again I'm not defending her, just saying I'm not surprised.

I agree 100 %

Selfish Fiona has always beeny least favorite Fiona, but after all she's been through over the years she deserves to be a little selfish now. Also, I'm wondering if we'll get two abortions this year.

After last season I read that Noel Fisher might not return for this season. Clearly he was there for the premiere, but I'm not sure he'll be in a lot of episodes. I hope he is and that Mickey gets out quickly, but idk.

It was an auto correct, but thanks for being a horrible person for no reason!

I give the premiere an A- . It's still more "real" than most shows on tv and has people who aren't cops or rich living their lives, that's rare on tv these days. All the characters are following their logical paths and I'm excited to see how the season plays out. Also, so happy to see Ian and Mickey even if it is only

This season has been consistently amazing, but this episode wasn't very good IMO. The ex-wife is so horrible I didn't even want to watch those scenes. No comment on Amy and the Sarg. But Gina was great as usual.

Anytime an episode of The Flash or Arrow has an actor from Spartacus on I know I'll love it and this one was no exception. Also, Wally coming to the house during the Christmas get together almost made me cry, it was a really nice moment. I'm also glad Joe gave Barry the watch.

Any episode with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Anders Holm is an automatic A, but this was also one of the funniest episodes I've ever seen. The 99 just keeps getting better and better.

The Internet is so funny. I make a statement recapping my thoughts on a show and some random person comes into my post thread to disagree, Umm so what?!? If you like it is that supposed to change my opinion? I didn't come into any post that praised things I disagreed with, because what's the point. In the real world

Yeah that is dumb, I hope she's working on side projects during her off time.

Me too ☺