
I watch mostly because of Bonnie, her not being on tonight didn't help me at all. I also watch for Damon.

So at this point it's clear that TVD replaced one brunette in a relationship with 2 vampires with the personality of lamp shade who "dies" for an older brunette in a relationship with 2 vampires with the personality of lamp shade who is hopefully dead. PLEASE LET LILY REALLY BE DEAD!!!! But really why get this

Lol, yes it is, but always tell people to see it if they can and every person I know that saw it agrees that it's very good.

25th Hour is my all time favorite film.

Sky got real caught up, real quick! She was also the focus of too much of the episode. It was clear in Jamal's first scene with Lucious that he didn't want her and she even acknowledged that. On an episode that needed a lot more development this was a distraction. I won't even comment on Lucious saying "she fixed

I stopped watching a few weeks back but still read the reviews. I never want to root against a couple, but I'd start watching again if Danny left. I always enjoyed the show because of Mindy, I tolerated and grew to accept Danny because she loved him. He has always been a caveman with a chip on his shoulder, but now he

I couldn't agree more. The writers seem to be more concerned with Rick having a blond girlfriend than making that family even remotely interesting. They are all a bad plot device and need to die asap.

I agree 100%, she did more for him than most people would and it's not her fault those two forget to use birth control.

Can that be a show? I'd rather see that than Fear of the Walking Dead.

I'm glad someone said it!

"Every time ever Carol and Morgan (both of whom I adore) started arguing, I screamed "Really? Right NOW?" at the TV." I was saying the same thing!

Ultimate burn! But so true.

Either way I'll call it progress.

I'll be honest, I missed that line. But thank you for shading light on what was going on. I wish they had you in the writer's room because this season could use a lot more context.

It's not mean. If they weren't zooming in on her face all the time no one would even say anything. I blame the cinematography. But I feel bad for the actress, HD is not kind to any imperfections.

I purposefully didn't say anything about Glenn because I don't care about him or Maggie. They are separated from the action and they both could die and I wouldn't care. Also, I think it's wrong for Glenn to preach to Enid about HIS pregnant wife. That had nothing to do with her and walking into 100 of walkers on

Imagine this season if we spent time with the wolves instead of the Alexandrians. The wolves live in the world of season 6 instead of season 2, this seems like a huge missed opportunity.

The second I saw Lee Daniels on screen I knew it was official, they've jumped the shark. With all the famous people clamoring to get on this show, this dude and his casting director SISTER, thought he was the best choice? GTFOH! I won't even Carol comment on how Carol's character changed more suddenly than newly

That's a good point, for some reason I blocked those other kids. Sam is doomed :(

By far the BEST episode of the season, I couldn't stop laughing, so many hilarious jokes!